Scaling Laws of Gravity Driven Fingering During Organic Liquid Infiltration
Wetting front instability can occur during vertical infiltration of a liquid into porous media, particularly when a fine soil layer is overlying a coarse layer. The result of this instability...

Hydrology of Wetland Treatment Systems in East Orange County, Florida
Wetlands are increasingly being used as final treatment systems for industrial and domestic wastewater effluent discharges and stormwater runoff discharges. Hydrological monitoring and...

Ecohydrological Processes in Almost Flat Wetlands
In spite of their modest relief almost flat wetlands are able to maintain definite topographically driven groundwater flow systems. Large seepage areas create ecohydrological gradients...

Back to the Unit Hydrograph Method
In this paper, the basic single area unit hydrograph model is shown to represent a highly complex, rational, link-node model which includes (i) variable effective rainfall distributions...

Estimation and Regionalization Procedures of Nash's Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
A 'total fit' method is suggested for computing Nash's instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) which minimizes the errors of all ordinates between the observed and generated hydrographs. Previous...

Two-Dimensional Flood Hazard Simulation on Alluvial Fans
The incentive for flood hazard delineation on alluvial fans is development. Drainage plans and flood mitigation design require prediction of flow hydraulics for a range of hyperconcentrated...

Hydraulic Modeling of Alluvial Plains (Slopes) and Alluvial Fans Using DAMBRK
The design of hydraulic structures such as bridges on distributary flow areas and alluvial fans require methods that can adequately determine discharges at the structures. Flow conditions...

Establishment of a Habitat Monitoring Program to Assess Potential Impacts of Diversion of POTW Effluent
As part of the permitting process for a gas-fired power plant, the environmental impacts of diverting POTW effluent from the receiving water for cooling tower makeup was investigated....

Stochastic Modeling for Drought Analysis Using Thomas-Fiering Lognormal Three Parameter Model
Three variations of Thomas-Fiering log normal 3-parameter(TFLN3) model are fitted to the unregulated south-west monsoon-dependent monthly streamflows measured at Krishnarajasagara (KRS)...

Variance Estimation of Extreme Flows
The inclusion of historic flood data with gage record data has been shown to reduce the uncertainty in flow estimates. Using numerical integration to quantify that uncertainty is less...

Uptake of Contaminants by Overland Flow
A mathematical model is developed for the uptake of contaminants by overland flow. The model is based on the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with a two-equation...

A Review of Fluid Movement in Compacted Clay: The Case of Macropore Flow
In constructing natural hydraulic barriers to infiltration, a typical design is one founded on the use of layers of compacted clay. Unfortunately, in analyzing the hydraulic performance...

Kinematic Mixing in Stratified Aquifers
The mixing process in heterogeneous aquifers is presented as the bending and stretching of material lines. A linear mixing efficiency is defined in terms of the mean values of a unit length...

Lower Missouri River Water Quality Model for Evaluating Flow Alterations
A modified version of the US Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) one-dimensional (longitudinal) stream water quality model, QUAL2E, was applied to the lower Missouri River to evaluate...

Peak Frequency Curves for the Middle Rio Grande
To define peak flow frequency curves for ten sites in the highly controlled and regulated Middle Rio Grande, an approach which relates peak inflow and peak outflow from the reservoirs...

Additional Years of Record and Peak Discharge
The effect of additional years of stream gaging records is analyzed for stream gages in Nebraska. Frequency estimates are based on procedures outlined in Bulletin 17B, including skew coefficient...

Dam-Break Study for Large Floodplain Area - A Case Study
In simulating a dam break flood in a large floodplain, the maximum flood level is sensitive to the off-channel storage volume used in the channel routing. An incorrect estimate of the...

An Integrated Software System for 3DFEMWATER: A 3D Grid Generator, A Graphical Post-Processor, and Additional Analysis Tools
An integrated software system for 3DFEMWATER has been developed to improve the groundwater flow modeling process. The system generates finite-element grids, graphically portrays simulation...

Modeling Two-Dimensional Subsurface Flow, Fate and Transport of Microbes and Chemicals
A two-dimensional model to simulate the subsurface flow, microbial growth-degradation, and transport and biodegradation of chemicals in groundwater environments (2DFATMIC) is developed....

A Two-Dimensional Flow and Hydrogeochemical Transport Model
A two-dimensional flow and hydrogeochemical transport model is designed for estimating the movement and attenuation of chemicals after they are released into subsurface systems. This model...





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