A General Theory of Channel Adjustment in High Gradient Streams
The paper presents a theory of channel adjustment in high gradient streams. This theory states that given sufficient energy, stream channels will adjust their dimensions and flow hydraulics...

A Mechanism of Pool Formation and Maintenance in Forest Streams
Laboratory and field investigations illustrate a hydraulic mechanism responsible for the formation and maintenance of pools associated with large, in-channel obstructions in forest streams....

Estimating Local Bed Shear Stress in Large Gravel-Bed Rivers
The local bed shear stress ?o1 cannot be directly measured and is typically estimated using flow observations in various theoretical or empirical...

Coarse Sediment Transport and the Maintenance of Fish Habitat in the Upper Colorado River
An analysis of the relation between discharge and boundary shear stress is presented for an alluvial reach of the Colorado River near Grand Junction, CO. The analysis indicates that the...

Identification of A Field Data Collection Program in Delaware Bay
Verification and the subsequent application of a numerical model requires sufficient field data to demonstrate that the model is reproducing the existing hydrodynamics of the modeled system....

Boundary Shear in the Vicinity of River Banks
Some experimental data are presented concerning the distribution of boundary shear stresses in trapezoidal open channels for both inbank and overbank flows. The local shear stresses on...

Determination of Geometry and Stress Distribution of an Optimal Stable Channel
A numerical model which determines the geometry of a threshold channel was recently developed (Diplas and Vigilar, 1992). This is important in the design of irrigation canals, channelization...

Field Evaluation of the Sediment Transport Model Stream with a Bank Erosion Component
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model STREAM of Borah, Alonso and Prasad was expanded earlier by incorporating a riverbank erosion component of Osman and Thorne. In...

Comparison of Infiltration Equations Using Flooding Infiltrometer Data
Based on three flooding infiltrometer tests, 27 hydrographs produced by HEC-1 were used to compare peak discharge, time to peak, and storm runoff volume using three infiltration functions....

Carpet Flow Analysis
Under very high flow conditions, sediment may be transported either in a suspension or by carpet flow, as defined by Bagnold. This study examines the theoretical conditions for carpet...

A Better Description of Trap Efficiency for Fine Sediment in Horizontal Settling Basins
Settling basin removes sediment from intake water and enhance the benefit of diversion works. In order to economize construction land and cost as well as for agriculture fertilization...

Assessing Stormwater Impacts
The evaluation of stormwater effects to watershed ecosystems must adopt an integrated approach due to the inherent complexity of assessing such environments, arising from the vulnerability...

Summary of Highway Product Evaluation Practices and HITEC Needs Survey
This report (CERF No. 94-5012) contains the results from a survey conducted by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF), the research affiliate of the American Society of Civil...

Bearing Capacity of Soils
Technical Engineering and Design Guides, as adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 7 This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers engineering manual...

Predicted and Measured Behavior of Five Spread Footings on Sand
This publication contains the results of a full scale load testing program used to predict and measure the bahavior of five spread footings on sand. These results were presented at the...

Steam Plant Becomes Biotech Lab.
With its prominent lakefront location and imposing size, Seattle's Lake Union Steam Plant is visible from many parts of the city. For most of this century, the plant's...

RCC For Seismic Design
Throughout its 70-year existence, the Littlerock Dam in Southern California's National Forest has been the subject of concern. Located only 1.5 mi south of the San Andreas...

Coastal Dynamics `94
During the past decade, numerical models of coastal dynamics have provided far more information than could be validated with field and laboratory measurements. Lack of data has restricted...

Computer-Aided Cleanup
In late 1992, the remedial investigation of Operable Unit 2 at the Department of Energy's Fernald Superfund site in Ohio was in trouble. Despite years of effort-including...

Ground Failures Under Seismic Conditions
This proceedings, Ground Failures Under Seismic Conditions, contains invited and contributed papers which focus on the behavior of silty and...





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