The Human Factor in Failures
Human shortcomings cause three-quarters of project failures. A study of 500 case histories led to this assumption. One such failure at the Walter Bouldin dam in Alabama, is described in...

An Approach to Evaluate the Sufficiency of Highway Bridges for Nuclear Spent Fuel Transportation
The transportation of radioactive spent fuel can have a significant impact on bridge structures located on designated routes. Due to the critical nature of the cargo and because of the...

Emplacement Drift Temperature Reduction by Cooling Enhancement and Ventilation
The application of cooling enhancement in a short vertical container emplacement layout is analyzed. Two 25 m-long heat pipes upward oriented at 45 degrees are installed at each emplacement...

Uncertainty Analysis of Preclosure Accident Doses for the Yucca Mountain Repository
This study presents a generic methodology that can be used to evaluate the uncertainty in the calculated accidental offsite doses at the Yucca Mountain repository during the preclosure...

Column Buckling Mode Classification Using a Back Propagation Neural Network
A back propagation neural network (Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams, 1986) is used to analyze and classify the buckling mode shapes of structural columns. The input patterns consist of vectors...

Boston's Sewage Outfall
The centerpiece of the Boston Harbor cleanup plan will be the sewage plant on Deer Island, which will treat water from 43 municipalities in the Boston metro area�500 mgd to start. In order...

Infrared Thermography Based Pipeline Leak Detection
Computerized Infrared Thermographic pipeline inspection is now a refined and reliable process having been thoroughly proven to be an accurate, cost effective, and efficient technology...

Design Program for Gravity Sanitary Sewers
The Gravity Sewer Design Program Version 2.1 M (GSDP2M) performs the hydraulic design for a conventional gravity sanitary sewer network. GSDP2M is written in standard Fortran 77 for batch...

New Jersey Department of Transportation Bridge Scour Evaluation Program
The New Jersey Department of Transportation's (NJDOT's) newly initiated bridge scour investigation program will assess the vulnerability to failure by scour of...

Application of GIS in Monitoring and Trouble Shooting of Water Distribution Systems
In this study, the suitability of Geographical Information System (GIS) to monitor water distribution systems is investigated. Although GIS applications are widespread, the use of GIS...

Diagnostic Options for Pipeline Rehabilitation
The various diagnostic options utilized for solving pipeline problems/failures continue to increase at a very rapid pace. Field reconnaisance and/or man-entry of pipelines is becoming...

The Danby Pipe Renovation System
This paper describes a pipe renovation system and its structural characteristics which is cost effective and technically suitable in all sizes of pipe from 8 inches (200 mm) to the largest...

Development of an Optimal Strategy for Storm Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the nation's infrastructure will require a significant expenditure of public funds in the near future. Efficient management of these funds will require tools...

Rebuilding Buried Pipelines Without Digging
Advances and refinements in trenchless reconstruction technologies now permit system rebuilding of gravity and low pressure pipelines without excavation. Through the use of cured-in-place...

Network Modeling in a Water System with Ferrous Deposits
This paper presents the experiences and results of a network modeling study. A model for the University of Idaho water supply system was developed and verified to the extent possible with...

A Comprehensive Algorithm for Network Calibration
An explicit calibration algorithm is proposed which provides the direct and rapid adjustment of the pipe roughness coefficients and junction node demands that exactly meet a specified...

Levee Failure at Elba, Alabama
In March 1990, flooding resulted in levee failure at Elba, Alabama. The levee project was constructed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration to provide protection to the city from...

Block-based Solvers for Engineering Applications
This paper compares the performance of standard linear system solvers, LINPACK, widely used in engineering applications, and PARALIN (a block-based package for linear systems) on the Alliant...

Finite Element Studies of Block Shear for Structural Tees
Structural tees are commonly used as tension members. As a first step toward testing the adequacy of the current design codes for net section and block shear failures near the connections...

Axial Force-Moment Interaction in System Reliability
For rigid-plastic structures with random resistances and loads, a technique is presented that identifies critical failure modes considering the effect of axial force-moment interaction...





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