Electrical In Situ Measurements for Predicting Behavior of Soils
A new method is presented for predicting the in situ stress-strain behavior of fine grained soils based upon in situ measurements of its electrical properties. The method involves the...

A Modern Cone Penetration Testing Vehicle
The geotechnical group at the University of Florida recently purchased a new insitu testing cone truck. This is a powerful, all wheel drive, off-the-road vehicle designed specially for...

In Situ Tests Aid Design of a Cylinder Pile Wall
In situ testing was used to verify geotechnical design parameters and modify construction for a 22 million dollar slope stabilization project near a major highway interchange. The project...

Correlation of Soil Parameters From In Situ and Laboratory Tests for Building 333
Pressuremeter, plate bearing and cone penetration tests were performed on the prepared foundation soil for Building 333 located in the Red River Army Depot near Texarkana, TX. The results...

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Cone Penetrometers
Cone penetrometers from 8 organizations have been studied by performing laboratory tests and field tests. The testing show that pore pressure and temperature zero shift affect significantly...

In Situ Tests with Ko Stepped Blade
The results of field tests conducted using the K//o Stepped Blade to determine lateral stresses and other geotechnical properties are presented. The sites tested represent a wide range...

Dynamic Consolidation Test on Soft Coastal Sediments
This paper documents an investigation of foundation improvement by dynamic consolidation for a coastal power plant site in the southern Red Sea. The investigation comprised a field test,...

In-Situ Testing to Characterize Electric Transmission Line Routes
A review of the literature has shown few definitive studies which separate test variability from soil inhomogeneity. A sensitivity study was performed to evaluate the effects of the overall...

In Situ Testing of Calcareous Sand?Campos Basin
Sampling and in situ testing were used to investigate soil conditions for the installation of offshore platforms at the Campos Basin, Brazil. At these sites calcareous sand formations...

High Quality Sampling and In Situ Testing for Deep Water Geotechnical Site Investigation
This paper discusses methods that have been used to conduct geotechnical investigations in water depths up to 2500 feet. Investigations can be conducted from supply boats, geotechnical...

Design Parameters for Grouted Piles in Rock From In-Situ Load Tests
A series of pile load tests were performed at an onshore site to develop final geotechnical parameters for the Gaviota platform foundation which consists of large diameter drilled and...

Rehabilitation of Blackfoot Dam In-Situ Testing and Analysis
The dam was constructed in 1909 and was recently found to require rehabilitation to enlarge the spillway and improve embankment stability against the large earthquake potential in the...

In Situ Measurement of Permeability in Soft Clays
As part of an extensive field programme, the magnitude of errors due to clay remoulding and filter clogging in tests performed in common piezometers is evidenced. Comparisons between variable...

Skin Friction Evaluated From Friction Meter Test
This paper first describes the features of a specially developed friction meter and its operation method, and then reports in-situ test results conducted on various types of soils at two...

Uplist Capacity of Pile Foundations Using CPT Data
Southern California Edison Company has performed field uplift load tests on concrete driven piles, cast-in-place straight shaft piles and cast-in-place belled piers along transmission...

Analysis of Liquefaction Potential by Insitu Testing
This paper describes the results of insitu testing performed to assess the liquefaction potential of a sand formation at a site for a proposed large industrial facility in East Central...

Effctive Stress Interpretation of In-situ Tests
Significant differences in terms of load-settlement curves obtained from Plate Load Tests (PLT) and q//c profiles obtained from Static Cone Penetration Tests (SCPT) at two sites with different...

In Situ Tests for Foundation Vibrations
There are several well established methods of determining shear modulus in situ and these are summarized in this paper. New techniques are being developed for in situ determination of...

Initial Results From an In-Situ Consolidometer
An In-Situ Consolidation Evaluation Device (ICED) was developed for field measurement of consolidation parameters by electro-osmosis. A brief description of the test apparatus and the...

Comparison Between In-Situ Test Results
Penetration tests provide a means of obtaining data from which estimations can be made of the bearing capacity, settlement and liquefaction potential of the soils tested. Empirical formulae...





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