Site Load Testing of Full Scale Composite Concrete Floors
The paper presents the results of a load test carried out in 1982 on a continuous reinforced concrete slab with a permanent shuttering consisting of compressed straw (Stramit) or cement...

Vibration and Impact in Skewed Steel Bridges
The vibration and impact of skewed multigirder bridges due to vehicles moving across rough bridge deck are studied. The bridges are modeled as grillage beam systems. The vehicle is simulated...

Steel Bar Joist Performance: Design Deficiencies and Defects
Several failures of steel bar joist roofs have been investigated by the authors in the past decade. Many of these failures or performance problems have corresponded to bar joists manufactured...

Remote Monitoring of a Stressed Timber Bridge Deck
The long term behavior of a CCA treated stressed timber deck bridge is being monitored, at present, using a remote data acquisition system. The bridge which is located in Gray, Maine was...

How to Include Reliability Constraints in Structural Optimization
Structural optimization is a complex process made of design cycles aimed at finding the best possible solution. At each design cycle ultimate and/or serviceability limit states must be...

Development in Criteria for Dam Corrective Actions
Reviewed is the recent history of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Safety of Dams (SOD) Program. Particularly, the development of decision philosophies and technical approaches...

Bond Stress Test on Rock Anchor in Clayey Siltstone
Seventy five rock anchors with design loads of 556 to 2040 kips were required for the 1000-foot long, 125-foot high, concrete gravity, Lake Lynn Dam to comply with current FERC engineering...

Testing and Evaluation of High Capacity, Multi-Strand Rock Anchors for Lake Lynn Dam
Seventy five rock anchors with design loads of 556 to 2040 kips were required for the 1000-foot long, 125-foot high, concrete gravity, Lake Lynn Dam to comply with current FERC engineering...

The Use of Post-Tensioned Anchorages on the Arch Portion of Stewart Mountain Dam, Arizona
Post-tensioned rock anchorages were selected by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to stabilize Stewart Mountain Dam against potential seismic loadings. The use of such anchorages...

Stability of Embankments, Fills and Structures at the Bad Creek Project Under Static and Dynamic Loading
Duke Power was faced with the problem of using explosives to assist in removing a sensitive, saturated embankment cofferdam supported on a large rock plug. The first phase of the work...

What Does Bring Ductility to Steel Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete?
It is generally accepted that ductility is the main characteristic of SFRS. Tests on scale 1/1 have been conducted to determine the influence of ductility on the bearing capacity and crack...

Principles for a Rational Design of Shotcrete Linings in Hard Rock
The rock load on a shotcrete lining is hard to determine. This fact, however, does not prevent from designing the lining in a rational and consequent way. The paper treats the problem...

To the Limits of Shotcrete Linings
In the 1950s for the first time shotcrete was used because an essential support measure to guarantee the stability of an underground opening in Austria, Detzelhofer (1). Since that time...

The Use of Yield-Line Theory in the Design of Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Using yield line calculations for steel fibre reinforced slabs a formula for the design strength of shotcrete linings is developed. The formula establishes a connection between the toughness...

An Assessment of Loading Capabilities of OCRWM Burnup Credit Casks
A new generation of spent fuel shipping casks are being developed for the Department of Energy (DOE) in support of transportation system development activities for the Civilian Radioactive...

Operational Considerations in Drift Emplacement of Waste Packages
This paper discusses the operational considerations as well as the advantages and disadvantages of emplacing waste packages in drifts in a repository. The considerations apply particularly...

The Analysis of Repository-Heat-Driven Hydrothermal Flow at Yucca Mountain
To safely and permanently store high-level nuclear waste, the potential Yucca Mountain repository site must mitigate the release and transport of radionuclides for tens of thousands of...

The Results of Near-Field Thermal and Mechanical Calculations of Thermal Loading Schemes
Two waste emplacement schemes, borehole and in-drift, are under evaluation as potential repository drift geometries for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. Calculations were...

Systems Implications of Repository Thermal Loading
A study was conducted to determine if implementation of a hot, cold or intermediate repository thermal loading strategy would have specific impacts on the overall Civilian Radioactive...

Investigation in 3-D of Stress Distribution in a Circular Tunnel and Vertical Emplacement Holes Due to Thermal and Overburden Loading in Tuff
Thermal stress and displacement analysis using two 3-D finite element models, one having a course mesh and one having a highly detailed mesh are presented. Results are compared to those...





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