Getting Ahead of Snow and Ice
Winter maintenance is not the same anymore. New weather forecasting technologies are permitting snow and ice fighters to better predict when unsafe winter weather conditions will occur....

Snow and Ice Control in Japan and United States
Both Japan and the United States experience severe winter conditions that require major resources and large expenditures for maintaining highways. The maritime climate that prevails in...

Wetland Conservation Plans as Contexts for Transportation Planning
Construction of major, new roadways, particularly in metropolitan areas, initiates subsidiary affects that impact the environment in a variety of ways and increasingly over time. Not the...

The Pontis Bridge Management System
A committee of the Federal Highway Administration and six of the United States has completed a network-level bridge management system, called Pontis, to optimize budgets and programs for...

Traffic Accident Analysis System
While statistical data on traffic accidents are invaluable in devising effective traffic safety measures, the number of data items and samples are vast and they must be processed and edited...

Changes to the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures
At this juncture of the SHRP-LTPP program, it is appropriate to discuss the potential impacts that SHRP-LTPP results could have on the future AASHTO Guides for the Design of Pavement Structures....

Connecticut I-95 Incident Management System
Strategies for minimizing the impact of freeway incidents on traffic flow/congestion are reffered to as 'incident management'. The incident management process involves the following: reducing...

Bonded Concrete Overlays for Rehabilitation of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
As a result of the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), significant funding is now available for the rehabilitation of the nation's Interstate highway system....

Automated Crack Detection System Implementation in ARAN
An automated road surface crack detection system has been integrated into the Automated Road Analyzer (ARAN). The acquisition system features controlled lighting through strobe lights...

Evaluation of a Large Aggregate Asphaltic Layer in an Airside Pavement
A new analytical method of designing large aggregate asphalt mixes (LAM) was used to design a thick asphalt base layer for an aircraft taxiway. The results of an analysis on the material...

Use of Surface Treatments on Airport Pavements
Asphalt is generally used as the surfacing for flexible airport pavements with airline passenger jet aircraft. In Australia and its neighbouring territories, surface treatments (seals)...

The Fundamental Gap in Urban Transportation
This is not a technical paper. It is perspective paper, designed to detail the failure of current urban transportation strategies and call for new thinking and action responsive to the...

Implications of ISTEA on the Implementation of APMs
The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, approved 372-47 in the House and 79-8 in the Senate, is a landmark legislation in the area of transportation. Through...

Pacific Rim TransTech Conference?Volume II
International Ties, Management Systems, Propulsion Technology, Strategic Highway Research Program
This proceedings, Pacific Rim TransTech Conference Vo. II, consists of papers presented at an ASCE Conference held in Seattle, Washington,...

LRFD for Timber Structures
The use of load and resistance design (LRFD) methodologies is increasingly becoming the standard analysis procedure for engineering design. The concrete industry has used a variation of...

Going International: Profit or Peril?
Six veterans of the international engineering and construction market discuss the financial risks of international work, including currency risk; expatriate living conditions; difficulties...

Back to Iran
Surprisingly to some, Iran continues to rank among the attractive markets of the Middle East. Despite political and economic problems, it is a large market, its location makes it strategically...

Reclaiming Clear-Cut Land
The Savannah (Ga.) Airport Commission needed to expand the city's international airport to meet projected needs through 2007. The expansion was designed with Greiner, Inc.,...

Tying Up The Artery
After six years, preliminary design is almost complete on one of the nation's largest, and most complicated, public works project, the Boston Central Artery project. At an...

So Much Pavement, So Little Time
At its most basic, pavement management requires taking inventory of a pavement network, doing a condition assessment, setting up a database, then synthesizing the data collected for an...





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