Dynamic Route Guidance?The Drive Project CAR-GOES
The DRIVE project CAR-GOES has studied strategies for integrating road traffic management and central systems for dynamic route guidance and traffic signal control. This paper summarises...

Wegwijs?Amsterdam?A Dual Mode Routeguidance Plan
Wegwijs-Amsterdam stands for a plan to test the feasibility of a dual-mode route-guidance system based on a network of beacons which give the driver route-guidance to reach a pre-selected...

A Review of European Developments in Route Guidance and Navigation Systems
This paper summarises the rapid progress in Europe in developing in-vehicle navigation systems. It discusses the various studies which have been carried out of the benefits of route guidance,...

Marina Del Rey: 30 Years of Environmental Impact
Marina del Rey - the world's largest man-made recreational boating harbor - also holds primacy in pollution. Marina del Rey is home port to more than 6,100 vessels in wet...

Joint Occurrence of High Tide and Storm Surge in California
High tides or high storm surges separately generally do not pose a hazard for flooding or structural damage in California. However, when storms and periods of high tides coincide, the...

Rethinking Flood Control Channel Design
Until recently, the standard method of flood control was channelization�converting a natural stream to a uniform channel cross section. But this single objective approach is coming under...

Selecting Preferred Routes for Highway Route Controlled Quantity Shipments of Radioactive Materials
The amount of spent nuclear fuel move in the U.S. in recent years has increased due to a number of government actions. One such action was the passage of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act which...

Optimal Route Selection for High Level Nuclear Waste Transport Based Upon Radiological Risk
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate route optimization based directly upon the minimization of radiological risk as computed from local conditions. An operational impact analysis...

Probable Maximum Floods at the Yucca Mountain Exploratory Shafts
This paper presents an analysis of flood flows in the Coyote Wash at the proposed high level nuclear waste repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Estimates of the hydrographs at various...

Creatively Cost Sharing a Large Flood Control Dam
The passage of Public Law 99-662 in November of 1986, commonly known as the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, added a new dimension to Federal development of water resource projects....

Capital Improvements Financing and Planning After a Natural Disaster
The Pima County Wastewater Department (PCWWMD) provides collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater in metropolitan Tucson, Arizona, and various outlying areas. In October 1983, severe...

Lake Zephyr Watershed Stormwater Management Plan
Zephyr Creek, located near the City of Zephyrhills in west-central Florida, annually experiences flooding caused by rainfall. Development has encroached into the floodplain causing homes,...

Hydrology Review for Corps 404 Permit Process
Since 1985 the Corps of Engineers has reviewed Section 404 permit requests in regard to hydrology and hydraulic impacts of developments in the mainstem floodplains of the Trinity River...

Application of Remote Sensing to Flood Forecasting
Forecasting flood flows caused by severe rainfall events relies heavily on a knowledge of the surface characteristics of a watershed and precipitation inputs. This information can be obtained...

Use of Remote Sensing and G.I.S. in the Economic Analysis of Flood Damage Reduction?Three Recent Case Histories
Three recent studies of the Trinity River in the nine-city Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex have been based on a regional geographic information system (G.I.S.), using digitized satellite imagery...

Applying a Simple GIS to PMP Analysis in a Microcomputer Environment
The analysis of probable maximum floods (PMF) in the Northwestern United States requires the inclusion of a snowmelt component combined with probable maximum precipitation. Traditionally...

Economic Benefits of a Flood Warning System?The Ventura County, California Experience
Since the spring of 1979, Ventura County has been receiving the benefits of a growing Flood Warning System (FWS). Beginning with six self-reporting raingages, two untested flow models,...

Considerations for a Multiple-Use Stormwater Detention Facility
A 60-year-old neighborhood provides the unusual setting for the City of Tulsa's Turner Park-Will Rogers High School Stormwater Detention Facility. The 20-acre site is located...

Fort Worth: Where the West Began with Water
This paper presents a historic overview of the impact the Trinity River has had on the development of Forth Worth with regard to fire protection, water supply and flood control....

The Dallas Floodway?Past and Present Successes in Flood Protection Benefits
This paper explores the history of the Dallas Floodway, past performance of the project under various flood conditions and, most recently, the present successes in flood protection provided...





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