Nonlinear Eigensolver for Exact Vibration Analysis
Vibration analysis of structural systems is concerned with accurately predicting the free vibration modes and frequencies of the vibrating system. This analysis process involves two general...

Numerical Simulations of Diastolic Flow Patterns in a Model Left Ventricle with Varying Degrees of Mitral Stenosis
Blood flow patterns in the left ventricle are undoubtedly influenced by the physical and mechanical state of the natural mitral valve apparatus or the geometry of an artifical valve replacement....

Granular Flow on a Bumpy Inclined Chute
Theoretical predictions for steady, uniform granular flows of identical, smooth, nearly elastic disks and spheres on bumpy inclined chutes are obtained. Kinetic constitutive theory is...

Pattern Formation and Time-Dependence in Flowing Sand
The authors present results for a number of experiments on flowing granular materials and a novel cellular automata model for the flow of these materials when the grains are long and thin....

Modeling the Chaotic Behavior in Simple Shear Granular Flows
Simple shear granular flows have demonstrated a variety of puzzling phenomena. Both computer simulations and physical experiments have discovered particle grouping, layering and shear...

Mechanics of Granular Materials at Very Low Effective Stress Levels
Gravity's influence on laboratory specimens of uncemented granular materials subjected to low effective stresses, makes it impossible to evaluate constitutive properties in an unambiguous...

Influence of Gas Phase Turbulence on the Transport of Particles
An interesting and perhaps unexpected flow feature characterizing the transport of a gas-solid suspension in a vertical duct is the radial nonuniformity of particles over the tube cross-section....

Structural Characterization of an Articulated-Truss Joint
A first generation space crane articulated-truss joint was statically and dynamically characterized in a configuration which approximated an operational environment. The articulated-truss...

Hydrogen Reduction of Lunar Soil and Simulants
Carbotek, Inc., and the Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) are cooperating on further development of the Carbotek process to produce oxygen from lunar ilmenite by hydrogen...

Transient Analysis of Flexible Space Structures
A new approach for numerical analysis of flexible space frames subjected to impact forces is presented. The method is particularly effective in the analysis of large amplitude vibration...

Structural Considerations in the Design of a Mars Mission Aerobrake
A new area of civil engineering is emerging. This area will provide structures for outposts on the moon, resource development and exploration of Space. Spacecraft traveling at very high...

Response of Space Structures Under Sudden Local Damage
Damages to space structures can come from such adverse events as impact by foreign objects, docking, drastic temperature changes, and exposure to radiation and charged particles. This...

Regolith Dynamics
Due to the differences of the gravitational accelerations of the Earth and Lunar environments, geotechnical engineering must be applied differently in the two environments. This study...

Principles of Control for Robotic Excavation
Excavation can be considered one of the most unstructured problems in the construction environment. On one hand, many technologies have been developed in the past to build shelters using...

An Analysis of Human Performance in Simulated Partial-Gravity Environments
Three unique partial gravity test environments; parabolic flight, water immersion and a mechanical-relief device provide the environment to evaluate human locomotion, reach sweeps, and...

Preliminary Investigation of a Lunar 16 Meter Optical Telescope
The results of a year-long effort to develop a design concept for the structure of a 16 meter lunar optical telescope are presented. Various mounting configurations and mirror configurations...

A PC Modelling System for the Simulation of Transport and Fate of Solutes and Suspended Substances
PARTICLE is a numerical computer model for the simulation of transport and fate of discharged, dissolved or suspended substances. The model is based upon the Lagrangian approach and calculates...

Continuum Model for Flows in Emergent Marsh Vegetation
Modeling of flows in tidal marshes requires modifications to the classical equations of open channel flow. In this study, the authors formulate an equivalent continuum model for tidal...

Modeling the Pathways of Nonconservative Substances in Estuaries
ELAmet is a model for nonconservative chemical transport which solves the advection/dispersion/transformation equation using a modification of Eulerian-Lagrangian methods. In this paper...

3-D Modelling of Heat Discharge from Ul-Jin Power Plant into Coastal Waters of Korea East Sea
This study focuses on the problems of simulating the coastal currents and their effect on the distribution of heated cooling water from the Ul-Jin power plant into coastal waters of Korea...





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