Social Characteristics, Land Use and Travel Patterns of Singapore
The transportation system for Singapore in the next century needs to meet not only the increased demand to travel, but also the rising expectations for a quality transport system. Though,...

Urban Public Transportation of Singapore
Singapore is a city state with a land area of 648 sq km and a population of 3.8 million. The total daily trips generated is about 7 million. Of these, around 5 million trips are on public...

Application of New Technology in Public Transportation Systems in Singapore
With the economic expansion, population growth, the high rate of household formation and population dispersion in Singapore, the number of daily trips made is expected to increase. To...

Urban Public Transportation System and Its Operation and Use by People in Tokyo
The public transportation system in Tokyo Metropolitan Region (TMR), primarily based on a well-developed rail/subway network, manages to support passenger movement in the huge urban complex....

Practices (Past & Prospects) for Tokyo's Public Transport
This paper firstly describes the strong and weak points of Tokyo's public transport systems from various perspectives together with the technical and institutional practices adopted. Secondly,...

The Washington Region: Land Use and Travel Patterns
The Washington Region is the eighth largest metropolitan area in the United States, with a population of four million people spread over 4,000 square miles. By 2020, the region's population...

Public Transportation in Washington, D. C.
The Washington, D. C. metropolitan area is served by a world class transit bus and heavy rail subway system operated by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). The...

Alternative Fuels and Institutional Reform
The actions that Mexico City Government is currently implementing is addressed. The altitude and topography of the Mexico City valley contribute to less efficient combustion, trapping...

Development of Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual
A study was conducted to develop updated principles, practices, and procedures for transit capacity and quality of service. Such a study focuses on developing a new Transit Capacity and...

Mississippi Diversion
The $103-million Davis Pond freshwater diversion project in coastal Louisiana will divert up to 10,650 cfs (300 m�/s) of Mississippi River water to the Barataria Bay Estuary through four...

Third World Markets: Anticipating the Risks
The market for construction in lesser-developed nations is estimated at $750 billion. Clearly, these nations represent an important emerging market for engineering and construction firms,...

Re-Creating the Rainbow Bridge
A team of American and Chinese experts constructed a pier-free arch bridge in China based only on a 12th century...

Environmental Technology Verification Report for Ammonia Recovery Process
Prepared by the Environmental Technology Evaluation Center (EvTEC), a CERF Service Center. This report describes the nature and scope of an environmental...

High-Performance Hybrid
The Nebraska Department of Roads is taking advantage of the new high-performance steel (HPS) to develop a modular, two-girder bridge that will employ standardized hybrid HPS components,...

Building a Sound Company Culture
For small companies just starting out, the priorities are often generating business and completing the work on time, on budget, and in accordance with applicable standards. In the process...

Safety in a Designer's Hands
Although contractors face safety issues every day, engineers and architects have traditionally not addressed construction site safety in project designs. But there are design practices...

The Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR-21) spans a five year period, reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration and the Airport Improvement Program (AIP)....

The Final Connection
In 1969, New York City Transit (NYCT) began construction of a new subway to link Manhattan to east Queens. But funding issues prevented this 63rd Street Line from being completed as planned...

Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Awards
Out of 27 nominations, the $9.8 million Cape Hatteras Light Station Relocation Project, which saved a national treasure along the North Carolina coastline and required extensive planning...

Dealing with Debris
A comprehensive debris-management plan for the city of Houston will facilitate and coordinate the management of debris removal and disposal following a disaster to mitigate any threat...





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