Fracture Problems in the Transportation Industry
Six cases of damage tolerance assessment are presented, involving structures or vehicles in the U.S. transportation industry. Damage tolerance means arranging design, maintenance, and...

Damage Mechanics and Continuum Modeling
Historically, the structural and mechanical engineers are conditioned to model a material in a purely phenomenological sense with little or no regard to underlying physical phenomenon...

Uplift Behavior of Anchor Foundations in Soil
This publication includes a series of studies which provide a general and consistent framework for the design of anchors in uplift. The papers are presented in three groups: (1) State-of-the-art...

Structural Design, Cementitious Products, and Case Histories
The papers in this book represent deverse topics in structural engineering. In design of beam-columns by the AISC interaction equations, it is demonstrated that an inadequacy exists when...

Richart Commemorative Lectures
The geotechnical specialty known as soil dynamics has developed during the past 25 years from a minor role to a mainstream discipline. Professor F. E. Richart has played a major role in...

Stormwater Detention Outlet Control Structures
The Hydraulics Division's Task Committee for the Design of Stormwater Detention Outlet Control Structures was formed to review and report on the state-of-the-art of stormwater...

Tunneling a Bridge
Linking an addition to the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta required a pedestrian tunnel through a railroad embankment 100 ft wide and 40 ft high, with no disruption of train service...

Negotiating Contracts
Good contract negotiations require an understanding of psychology and the dynamics of group interactions. Communication skills necessary to resolving key issues include identifying non-verbal...

Effective Communications in Highway Safety Programs
The problem of creating a safe environment for the users of our highway system has been with us almost since the invention of the motor vehicle. Generally accepted throughout the field...

Human Factors: The Problem with the Problem
Human behavior in the highway transportation system is prone to error and has basic limitations. It is modifiable within those basic limits. Most often we focus attention on the behavior...

Interdisciplinary Communication and Traffic Safety: An Information Systems View
The purpose of this Highway Safety Forum is to find ways to improve communications among professionals in eight disciplines which are involved in the effort to reduce the number and severity...

Vehicle Design Exchange With Other Disciplines
Vehicle Design as one of the eight designated areas of interest or 'disciplines' includes a wide range of interests within itself. It can range from overall vehicle...

Highway Safety Forum
Advancing Road Transportation Safety Through Better Communication and Cooperation Among the Disciplines
Safe travel on our streets and highways has long received ample attention. However, there remains a relatively unexplored area within this subject. This area is communication between the...

Structures Congress Honors Fazlur Khan
Speakers at a session of the 1983 ASCE Structures Congress paid tribute to the late Fazlur R. Kahn by describing his work in developing structural systems for highrise buildings that were...

Underground Building Reclaims a Landfill
Oregon's Multnomah County built a road and maintenance facility underground to begin reclaiming an old landfill site. More than 600 precast concrete components make up the...

Redecking with Precast Keeps Traffic Moving
The Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge in Washington, D.C. could not be closed to traffic while a new deck was constructed. The engineers designed a precast prestressed and post-tensioned...

Engineering for Steel Construction
Engineering for Steel Construction, just published by the American Institute of Steel Construction, limns the latest advances in detailing...

Establishing Patterns of Building Failures
Establishing statistical patterns of building failures can help engineers and architects prevent similar failures in the future and also reduce litigation. The Architecture and Engineering...

1986: The Year of the Connection
It is proposed that 1986 be designated the Year of the Connection and that the American Society of Civil Engineers take a leading role in overcoming problems now associated with structural...

Structural Steel Details: Comments on Divided Responsibility
Five readers responded to an article on responsibility for structural steel details published inCivil Engineering�ASCE, Oct. 1983. Most agree...





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