Economic Impacts of Storm Sewer Design Criteria
This paper discusses the selection of storm sewer design criteria and the resulting economic impacts. Using the Rational Method for calculating design flows, an investigation was made...

Urban Stormwater Runoff Management
Local land use regulations managing stormwater runoff in new urban developments are the most practical and effective method to control pollutants in urban stormwater runoff or prevent...

Shoreline Vegetation and Retention Basins
Erosion of exposed shorelines often introduces large quantities of sediment into the stored waters of stormwater retention basins. This additional sediment load can minimize the water...

Flood Impact and Management of Levees in Tennessee
The construction of private levees is causing flooding and erosion problems along several tributary rivers in West Tennessee. The severity of these problems is recognized by the State...

Hydrologic Methodology for Evaluating Urban Development
It is recommended that a hydrologic methodology be utilized that contains sufficient parameters to enable the user to evaluate the impact of the changes to the watershed resulting from...

Impact of Detention Storage on Main Stream Flooding
The methodology, results and management implications are presented for a stormwater study at an urban watershed experiencing periodic flooding along the main channel. Local data were collected...

Irrigation and Aquifer Management in Illinois
The ground-water resources in eastern Kankakee and northern Iroquois Counties, Illinois, have been used for irrigation for over 50 years. During the drought of 1988, 131 irrigation wells...

Groundwater Protection?The Delaware Experience
Groundwater protection in the State of Delaware has been an evolving process requiring the planning, cooperation, and implementation of rules and regulations by several state and local...

Approaches for Protecting Groundwater From Agricultural Threats
In general, major groundwater pollutants contributed from agricultural sources are nitrate-nitrogen from chemical and animal fertilizers and pesticides applied on farm products for pest,...

Potential Non-Traffic Benefits from a New Highway
The State of Delaware is now in the design/build phase of a major north-south relief highway. Expedient action included an Environmental Impact Statement adequate to show that the project...

Systems Approach for Irrigation Management of Complex Projects Involving Large Number of Farmers Under Severely Arid Regions
An Irrigation Management Information System (IMIS) was developed for complex irrigation projects involving a large number of farms under severely arid conditions. This system is a computer...

Pressure Relief Design Around Pumping Plants
Hydraulic transient protection for an irrigation pipeline pump station can include optimized operating procedures, or design of surge relief equipment such as surge relief valves, and...

Groundwater Loadings of Pesticides From Chemigation: A Gleams Model Simulation
This paper describes how, with slight modifications, the GLEAMS model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was used to represent chemigation for herbicides,...

Aquatic Weed Control by Grass Carp in Cool Water
Diploid grass carp have significantly controlled problem aquatic vegetation during a 3-year study in a northern Colorado irrigation canal where water temperatures ranged from 0 to 25?C....

Continued Development of the Columbia Basin Project?A Status Report
The Columbia Basin Project is located in central Washington State and encompasses approximately 1 million irrigable acres. Water from the project delivery system was first applied in 1952...

Managing a Drought Through Advance Water Resources Planning: The Iowa Approach and Experience
It is important for states and local governments to devise and implement strategies for dealing with their water resource needs during a drought. This paper discusses the mechanisms that...

The Water Erosion Prediction Project: Model Overview
A new generation of water erosion prediction technology is being developed by the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The WEPP models are a new erosion prediction technology...

Formulating a Coastal Plain Water Quality Project
In 1988, the Soil Conservation Service in Delaware helped local sponsors prepare a detailed preauthorization planning report for water quality improvement in Indian River Bay watershed,...

A Review of Water Table Management & BMP Effects on Selected Nitrogen Processes
This study addresses the combined impacts of water table management (WTM) and best management practices (BMP's) on surface and ground water quality. DRAINMOD (water table...

Managing Water Table Management Systems for Water Quality
The purpose of this paper is to briefly summarize the results of water quality studies related to water table management conducted in North Carolina over the past 15 years. Results of...





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