Bank Failure and Erosion on the Illinois Waterway
In 1988, bank failure and erosion on the Illinois Waterway were evaluated. Banks were inspected from the air and from a motor vessel; thirty-one sites were examined in detail. Severe erosion...

Low-Waterway and Bank Erosion in a River With Alternating Bars Bed
In a river with alternating bars bed, the banks are often subjected to erosion due to the convergent flow resulted from the bed geometry, even in a straight channel. It is known empirically...

River Training Works in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze
A great number of research results of the river regime planning and river training work in Gezhouba Project on the Yangtze are described together with their application in the Project....

Daily Suspended Sediment Model for Water Resources Management
A daily model of streamflow and suspended sediment (SS) concentrations has been developed to analyze daily suspended sediment records from tributary basins. The model provides a method...

STUDH: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model for Sediment Transport
TABS-2 water level and flow computations are performed by the generalized numerical model program RMA-2V; salinity and tracer transport computations are performed with RMA-4, and sediment...

Total Sediment Discharge Measurement
A procedure for measuring total sediment discharge using point-source suspended-sediment data was developed. The procedure, Total Sediment Discharge (TSD), was compared to field and modified...

Total Sediment Load Calculations for Goodwin Creek
Total sediment transport load of Goodwin Creek was calculated for the period from 10/1/84 to 9/30/88 using transport relations derived from sample data for the fines (< 0.06 mm),...

Estimation of Unsampled Sediment Discharge
A procedure is developed to estimate the total bed material load without using the size distribution of suspended load. Because of the uncertainties involved in the calculation of the...

Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Deposition in the Illinois River Basin
The amount of soil erosion of the Illinois River Basin was estimated by using the 1982 National Resources Inventory (NRI) and the Illinois Geographic Information System (GIS). The sediment...

Sediment Yield and Mean Annual Discharge from Watersheds in the Indian Subcontinent
Measurements of sediment deposition in reservoirs located in the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepal, Pakistan) indicate that the rate of sedimentation is much higher than predicted during...

Convective Sedimentation from a Stable Turbid Layer
A set of experiments was conducted to test T Green's criterion for the existence of double-diffusive convective motions at an originally sharp, horizontal interface separating...

Movement of Sediment Mixtures in a Parabolic Flume with Simulated Rainfall
A 4-m long flume with parabolic cross section and adjustable slope was constructed to investigate the sediment carrying capacity and the variation of grain size distribution during deposition....

Measuring Resuspension of Sediment by Barge Tows
An earlier effort to measure resuspension of sediment relied on U.S. standard depth-integrating sediment samplers. In designing a new effort to collect field data on resuspension, the...

Intrusion of Turbid Water into a Two-Layer Stratified Environment
The horizontal intrusion of a turbid water with some intermediate density spreading on the interface of a two-layered homogeneous body of water is investigated. The study is directed towards...

Infiltration of Water to the Ground in a Flood-Control Reservoir with Seepage
As storm water management in urban area with increasing amount of runoff, flood-control reservoir with the bed having large permeability to enrich the groundwater is considered. A dynamical...

Water Resources Planning and Management
The proceedings of the 16th annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, which was held on May 22-24, Sacramento, CA, consists of four page extended abstracts for about 200...

Electricity From Air
After a decade of research and dozens of feasibility studies at sites around the country, the first Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) plant in the U.S. is under construction at McIntosh,...

Tapping A Glacier
The Eklutna water project receives a 1988 Outstanding Civil Engineering Award of merit. The project�a 30 mile pipeline and treatment plant that brings glacial runoff from Eklutna lake...

Agriculture and Groundwater Quality
Nitrates and pesticides used in agriculture cause groundwater degradation. Agricultural practices in the U.S. will have to be changed to alleviate the health effects of these chemicals....

Top Projects for 1989
Transportation-related projects, most notably bridges, dominate the 1989 OCEA projects, but each of the 11 improved the quality of life of people in the community without harming the environment....





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