A Commonality Assessment of Lunar Surface Habitation
This paper presents a commonality assessment of lunar surface habitation. Thus far, NASA has baselined the space station common module for initial lunar base habitation; however, nothing...

Extraterrestrial Applications of Solar Optics for Interior Illumination
The major purpose of this paper is to introduce a terrestrial technology that we believe has potential extra-terrestrial applications. The technology is Solar Optics, which is subdivided...

Extraterrestrials Excavation and Mining with Explosives
Explosion excavation technology may become a valuable tool for economic and efficient base station construction on extraterrestrial bodies. Criteria for explosives which can safely be...

A Space-Based Communications Concept to Support Mars Exploration Missions
Both the Soviet Union and the United States have expressed a desire to conduct further exploration of Mars and both sides have raised the possibility of joint Mars missions. In addition,...

Design Requirements for a Mars Base Greenhouse
One potential method of supplying life support to a manned base on Mars utilizes a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS). A major component of the CELSS is a plant growth unit...

Active Control of Flexural Vibrations in Beams
The feasibility of using piezoelectric actuators to control the flexural oscillations of large structures in space is investigated. Flexural oscillations are excited by implusive loads...

Spacecraft Environments: Design Considerations
Design, launch, assembly in orbit, and operation of large space-based systems involve much detailed analysis to ensure mission success. The area of contamination control and environmental...

Robotics Research for Construction in Space
Research in construction robotics, terrestrial or otherwise, has focused on issues which are broadly pertinent to space applications. Construction robotics, as addressed by this writer,...

Planar Space Structures
This paper describes a construction system which has a number of practical advantages for the development of space structures. It uses relatively thin materials folded into interpenetrated...

Space Station - New Venture/Old Problem
Four key operations-related costs are associated with the Space Station: (1) transportation, (2) data management, (3) sustaining engineering, and (4) integrated logistics. Life cycle cost...

The Role of a Mobile Transporter in Large Space Structures Assembly and Maintenance
Large space structures require a vehicle to support assembly, operations, and maintenance. These vehicles may be designed for specific tasks or for general use throughout the life of the...

Survey of Soviet Space Welding Technology Development
Soviet engineers clearly recognize the potential value of welding for maintenance, repair, and fabrication of structures in space. The development of this technology has followed a steady...

Comparisons Between Space Facilities and Earth-Based Analogs
This presentation will focus on the design of planetary bases and space stations as based on comparative designs for facilities in analogous harsh and isolated environments here on Earth....

Power Systems for Production, Construction Life Support, and Operations in Space
As one looks forward to mankind's future in space, it becomes obvious that unprecedented amounts of power will be required for the exploration, colonization, and exploitation...

Nuclear Electric Propulsion for Near-Term Space Missions
Potential uses of nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) for earth-orbit, lunar, and martian missions are analyzed. NEP systems allow a higher payload mass fraction than chemical systems. NEP...

Solar Water Heater for NASA's Space Station
This paper describes an investigation of the feasibility of using a solar water heater for NASA's Space Station. During the investigation computer codes were developed to...

Supercritical Water Oxidation: Space Applications
The process of Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) is approaching terrestrial commercialization for the destruction of toxic and hazardous waste chemicals. The technology appears promising...

Development of a Two-Stage Membrane-Based Wash-Water Reclamation Subsystem
A two-stage membrane-based subsystem was designed and constructed to enable the recycle of wash waters generated in space. The first stage is a fouling-resistant tube-side-feed hollow-fiber...

Waste Management: Project Mercury to the Space Station
This paper presents my perceptions of the design of waste management systems for manned space flights. I'll follow the evolution of waste management from the early Mercury...

Wastewater Recycle/Reuse: Lessons-Learned from USA-CERL Research and Development
Ultimate acceptance of water recycle/reuse by the scientific community is a function of rigorous data collection and successful demonstration regarding health effects. An uncomplicated,...





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