Management of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills
Sanitary landfills remain the most common form of solid waste disposal in America. However, environmentalists are concerned about the degradation of ground water by leachate, which is...

Disinfection Aid?An Innovation in the Chlorination of Wastewaters
A modification to the disinfection process, termed the 'disinfection aid process' for wastewater effluents has been investigated. The addition of a second chemical,...

Microfiltration/Adsorption Technology for Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters: Pilot- and Full-Scale Studies
In this work the development and testing of wastewater treatment system using coagulation, microfiltration and carbon adsorption is described. Studies were conducted first on a bench or...

QSAR Based Expert System For Environmental Hazard Management
This study was done to investigate the feasibility of developing an Expert System for application in environmental hazard management and control. The specific objective of the study was...

Global Risk Assessment: A Naive Look at Initiating Processes
Global risk assessment is finding those initiating processes which may cause harm to Earth systems (and ultimately the human species), their probability of occurrence, and the level of...

Hazardous Waste Impacts on the Highway Planning and Property Acquisition Process
Since the advent of increased public awareness concerning hazardous waste and the enactment of statutes governing these wastes, hazardous waste has become an important component impacting...

Disinfection of Wastewater Effluents with Electron Radiation
A full scale electron irradiation unit is being tested at the Virginia Key Wastewater Treatment Plant in Miami, Florida. On-going experimentation is evaluating the use of high energy electrons...

Composting Works for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants
The City of Cooper City, Florida, faced with the undesirable position of relying on outside contractors for sludge disposal needs, undertook the task of developing a self-sufficient sludge...

Fate and Transport of an Acid Waste in Soil and Groundwater
A fate and transport study at a closed acid waste pond located on the shore of San Francisco Bay indicated the potential of native soil and groundwater for retarding the movement of contaminants...

Environmental Analysis of Sludge Disposal Options
In a Court-ordered agreement to eliminate disposal of sludge from its treatment plants into the ocean, the City of Los Angeles was required to evaluate alternatives for transporting and...

Radioactive Mixed Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
This paper discusses compliance by the U.S. Department of Energy Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (1)....

A Risk-Based Evaluation of Best Management Practices to Control Agricultural Groundwater Contamination
The probabilities of groundwater contamination by pesticides under different management alternatives were evaluated in a single county in Oklahoma by coupling an agricultural infiltration...

An Expert System for Groundwater Management with Applications to Collier County, FL
This paper describes techniques used in frequency analysis, time series model building, forecasting, up-dating, and mapping. Domain knowledge of experts is transferred into the system...

Design and Implementation of a Risk-Based Remedial Action Program for Underground Tank Removal at a Dioxin-Contaminated Site
The unknown or uncertain conditions often inherent in hazardous waste site remediation projects complicate the job of the responsible professional to adequately assess and manage associated...

A Local Approach to Regulating Toxic Air Contaminants
The Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District began developing a local toxic rule that would apply to a broad number of pollutants and yet be readily usable to a permitting engineer....

Effects of Salts on Soils and Plants
Salinity is a major constraint to crop production in many irrigated lands of the world. Management practices are needed for the control of soil and water salinity. The development of appropriate...

Water Quality Criteria for Irrigation
An assessment of irrigation water quality for the concentration of inorganic constituents should consider crop sensitivities, soil properties, such as hydraulic conductivity, reactions...

Irrigation and Drainage Practices
Salinity causes many problems in agriculture, by lowering production or requiring more intensive management on farms, or by degrading off-farm soils and waters. This paper describes causes...

Managing Water Shortage by Regional Cooperation and Conservation
In the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area, water emergencies becoming more frequent events because of increases in water demand and lack of new supply additions. The water supply problem...

Water Management for the Future?State Perspective
The State of Georgia-Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has managed the quality of the waters of Georgia since the early 1970's. Today, the main focus of water issues...





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