Bank Protection at the Middle and Lower Yangtze
The Middle and Lower Yangtze runs through alluvial plains about 1800 km. There are mainly three types of river reaches: straight-slightly sinuous, meandering, and braided. This paper outlines...

State-of-the-Art Report: Mexico
Design recommendations for groins and spur dikes are presented. For groins the most important ones are: to build them with sloping crests, orientated downstream and maximum spacing of...

Control of Bank Erosion in The Netherlands. State-of-the-art
In the Netherlands the protection against flooding and the effects of inland navigation have always been extremely important. Many problems related to these items, among them erosion and...

The Turbulent Wake of a Recirculating Eddy in Shallow Waters
The wake, created by injecting dye into the recirculating zone of a sudden lateral expansion in a shallow open channel, is examined experimentally for a range of bed-friction influence....

Performance Characteristics of Compound Weirs
A theory is outlined which helps to explain the flow over compound weir under free overfall conditions. Experiments on twelve weirs of three sets with different dimensions are shown to...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis of High-Head Hydropower Project
An iterative computer simulation procedure called LIQT (Liquid Transient), which performs simulations of hydraulic transients in closed conduit hydro-power systems, is used to estimate...

Urban Flood Frequency and Hydrograph Analysis
A set of seven-parameter regression equations was developed for estimating flood discharges at ungaged areas. The regression equations can be used to estimate urban flood discharges throughout...

Effects of Vegetation on Floods at Four Arizona Sites
Four examples show the effect of vegetation on stage, discharge or frequency of floods. An 8-year growth of trees on the streambed at site 1 increased channel roughness enough to cause...

Identifying Temporal Change in the Spatial Correlation of Regional Groundwater Contamination
An approach for estimating the semivariogram based on the jackknife method can be used in connection with standard confidence procedures to set closely approximate confidence limits on...

Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Using Coupled Monte Carlo Simulation and Optimization
This paper presents a method for the design, under uncertainty, of a groundwater well network for compliance monitoring at a waste disposal site. A numerical model of contaminant transport...

An Approach for Groundwater Plume Delineation
Product releases from underground storage tanks are in many cases very localized (point-source) and occur rapidly. When all or part of the released product reaches groundwater in a homogenous...

Empirical Methods in the Design of Ground-Water Quality Monitoring Strategies
Ground-water quality monitoring strategies are designed for environments ranging from the complex to the very simple. Complexity is characterized by socio-economic, public health, and...

A Real-time Approach to Groundwater Monitoring, Prediction, and Remediation
This paper outlines a integrated approach to the problem of predicting and controlling groundwater contamination. The key to this approach is to derive contaminant predictions by combining...

Verification of Local Modes in a Two-Dimensional Tidal Model
Based on a generalized model equation, a two-dimensional hybrid finite element model has been developed to study tidal waves of incompressible, homogeneous fluid in rotational flows. In...

Convergence Experiments with a Hydrodynamic Model of Port Royal Sound, South Carolina
A two-demensional, depth-averaged, finite-difference, flow/transport model, SIM2D, is being used to simulate tidal circulation and transport in the Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, estuarine...

Validation and Intercomparison of Three-Dimensional Numerical Models of Estuarine and Lake Hydrodynamics
Three-dimensional numerical models have been developed and used to study the circulation and transport of water quality parameters in estuaries and lakes. This paper discusses two important...

SWMM Application in Indian River County, Florida
The EPA's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to simulate drainage canal system network within Indian River County, Florida. Runoff and Extran module of the PCSWMM...

Modeling Variations in Soil Moisture and Streamflow Resulting from Climatic and Land Use Changes
A distributed parameter watershed model IWASCH has been developed to simulate variation in soil moisture and baseflow conditions for agricultural areas in Illinois, resulting from climatic...

Application of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models at a Superfund Site in Montana
The water quality model applied to the site is the EPA-supported hydrodynamic and water quality model WASP4 with a modification to enable it to better simulate riverine systems. To provide...

The Colorado River Simulation System
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is a comprehensive computer tool designed to assist water resource managers in long-range planning and management of the Colorado River Basin....





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