Sivunniuq: Planning Together in Northwest Alaska
Sivunniuq applies the traditional approach to planning and decision making. Its primary purpose is to encourage early and meaningful local involvement in project and plan development activities....

Salmon Restoration in Humboldt Bay: A Model of Citizen and Government Participation
Two organizations emerged in 1969 that successfully brought together a wide variety of public and private entities and government agencies with the goal of reversing the decline of the...

Identifying DepositionalAreas in Puget Sound
Depositional areas where fine sediments accumulate have been located through low-cost sediment studies instead of more costly current meter and settling trap measurements. Over 200 samples...

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drilling Reserve Pit Fluids on the North Slope (abstract)
Reserve pits are constructed in connection with drilling activities to provide a convenient and safe disposal site for waste drilling muds and cuttings. During the winter months at Prudhoe...

A Small Community's Response to Catastrophic Coastal Bluff Erosion
This paper describes the actions taken by a small unincorporated coastal community in Northern California during a series of catastrophic bluff erosional events, which occurred between...

Effects of Toxic Chemical Perceptions on Fishing Behavior
This study investigates: 1) whether angler's who perceive toxic chemicals in the water fish any differently than those who do not, and 2) do these behavioral differences have...

Oil-Native Conflicts Solutions for the Beaufort Sea
Oil and gas development in Federal waters off Alaska has recently been stymied by litigation. Tensions have been increasing rather than decreasing and no development is taking place in...

A Practical Approach to Regulating Energy Development in Alaska's North Slope Environment
In November 1983, the Alaska District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) established an abbreviated processing procedure (APP) to permit certail oil and gas related activities within the North...

States' Role in OCS Development: The California Model
California is currently the only state outside the Gulf of Mexico region faced with oil and gas production activities in the federal outer continental shelf (OCS). California's...

Air Issues on the North Slope of Alaska?An Overview of the Problems and the Solutions (abstract)
Energy resources development on the Central Alaskan arctic coastal zone has introduced large scale fuel burning equipment to the area, resulting in the emission of air pollutants. The...

A Survey of Selected Arctic Petroleum Drilling Locations in the Alaskan Coastal Arctic Region (abstract)
There exists in the central coastal region of arctic Alaska, a number of drill site locations which were used to explore for oil and gas in the 1960's and 1970's....

The Alaska Coastal Management Program?An Oil and Gas Industry Perspective
The paper referred to in this abstract describes: the unique coastal values and issues that must be considered by developers in Alaska and examples of how the oil and gas industry has...

Exploration for Oil and Gas on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Coastal Plain, Alaska
The fundamental issue affecting the Coastal Plain of ANWR is one of management of the area for wilderness preservation or for multiple use. However, assuming Congress decides to open the...

The DST Well: Its Importance and Lessons Learned
A Deep Stratigraphic Test (DST) well is a unique source of stratigraphic information; and provides critical data on drilling conditions, logistics, materials; and subsurface conditions...

A Benthic Environmental Evaluation Protocol for a New Municipal Marine Outfall
Concurrent with siting studies to relocate a 72 mgd secondary outfall diffuser in deep water (200 meters), the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle initiated a three year baseline study...

Atchafalaya Delta Ecosystem, Conflicts in Multiuse Management
This fresh marsh ecosystem is administered as a State Wildlife Management Area but is also subjected to pressures associated with flood control, navigation, and mineral extraction. Federal...

Development of a Predischarge Environmental Baseline Study for a Proposed Marine Municipal Outfall
Increasing sewage inflows to the Metro Renton Wastewater Treatment Facility activated a planning process to expand the treatment capacity of the plant from 36 mgd to 72 mgd. However, concerns...

Implementation of Habitat-based Evluations: Issues and Solutions
Since 1974, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been developing a habitat-based evaluation methodology entitled Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP). The Los Angeles District's...

EntrapmentMonitoring at an Arctic Seawater Intake
This paper presents the results of a monitoring program designed to quantify the level of fish entrapment during a seawater treatment plant (STP) operation as well as immediate and delayed...

Molluscan Communities of Laguna Madre, Texas: Man's Impact
The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that due to human intervention the two parts of the Laguna Madre now differ in molluscan species composition and the most heavily-impacted...





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