U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sedimentation Engineer Manual A. Overview
Until the 1970's, sediment analyses within the Corps of Engineers were mostly confined to estimates of the reservoir sediment storage needed, for the life of the project....

Corps of Engineers EM 1110-2-4000 Chapter 3?Sediment Yield
This paper overviews the chapter on sediment yield, one of the three technical chapters of this new design manual. Corps methods to determine sediment yield primarily feature the use of...

River Sedimentation
This paper discusses Chapter 4 of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Manual of Sedimentation Engineering. The chapter identifies potential river sedimentation problems, associates...

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sedimentation Engineering Manual D. Reservoir Sedimentation
This paper discusses Chapter 5, Reservoir Sedimentation, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Engineering Manual (EM) on Sedimentation Engineering, EM 1110-2-4000. The chapter...

Analysis of Spillway Failures by Uplift Pressure
Results of a model study to evaluate the development of uplift pressures beneath concrete chutes are presented. Two spillway failures are described to support the study results. Common...

Estimation of Uplift Pressure in Cracks in Concrete Gravity Dams
This paper presents an analytical solution to predict uplift pressures in cracks in concrete gravity dams. It is shown that drainage systems are effective in reducing such pressures....

Hydroturbine Efficiency and Cavitation Monitoring
The paper describes a microcomputer-based system for monitoring hydroturbine performance and cavitation level. Remote access to the monitoring system provides convenient, rapid, and accurate...

Sediment Survey of Lake Powell
The 1986 Lake Powell Sediment Survey documented the present storage-elevation relationship and loss of storage from sediment accumulation since the reservoir began filling. From the calculated...

Expert System for Mixing Zone Analysis of Aqueous Discharges (CORMIX1): Further Developments
Two recent publications have reported the development of the Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) for the analysis, prediction and design of aqueous toxic or conventional pollutant...

Uncertainty and Value Analysis in the Selection of Dam Modification Alternative
Objectives and attributes were decided by the dam and watershed requirements, value judgments of decision makers, quantified trade-offs between different attribute values, and technical...

Task Committee Report on Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems
The results of the ASCE Hydraulics Division Task Committee on Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems are summarized in a very comprehensive report entitled Reliability Analysis...

New Methodology for Determining the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Components
A methodology is presented for the determination of the optimal timing for the rehabilitation/replacement of water distribution system components in order to minimize costs. In this model...

Fractional-Step Method for Two-Dimensional Estuarine Transport
The fractional-step method was used in this study to split the longitudinal advective transport term from the other terms in the two-dimensional, laterally-averaged equation for estuarine...

Debris-Flow Research and Engineering Practice
For debris-flow analysis to enter standard engineering practice, future research must extend existing models to deal with major complications that arise in field practice. This paper reviews...

Density Currents and Their Application in Hydraulic Engineering: Task Committee Progress Report
The Task Committee on Density Currents and Their Applications in Hydraulic Engineering operates under the Technical Committee on Hydrologic Transport and Dispersion. The Task Committee...

Identification of Automation Opportunities
Construction, although the world's largest industry, is also its most archaic. Most construction practices are very labor-intensive, with resulting impacts on safety, productivity,...

Constraints on Lunar Base Construction
This article discusses the development of scenarios and designs for the construction of a lunar base or network of bases, which will require close attention to the natural and human constraints...

Lunar Resources: What is Known and Expected
The lunar regolith is the source of a number of basic materials which can be utilized in lunar construction. These materials include those which are obtained directly from the regolith...

Extraction of Light Gasses from Mars or its Moons
The light elements H, C, N, O and S are important for propellant production and life support in space. These light elements occur on Mars, and may occur on the martian moons Phobos and...

Transportation by Pipelines in Space Colonies
The use of pipelines in space colonies to transport liquid, gas, solids and even passengers is not only feasible but also desirable. For many applications, pipelines offer a number of...





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