Teaching Engineering with Calculation Software
The term 'calculation software' is used here to describe computer software which has the basic functionality of a programmable scientific hand calculator, but...

Interdisciplinary Project-Based Robotics Education
This paper discusses the format of the present nontraditional project-based undergraduate robotics course taught to our senior mechanical engineering (M.E.) students. Students work in...

The Implementation of Open System Computing for Centralized and Departmental Requirements in a University Environment
Brigham Young University, and the College of Engineering and Technology in particular, have implemented an open, shared resource computing environment allowing the interconnection of personal...

Adaptation of ANSI Standards for Communications Testing in the Connectionless Environment
American National Standards (X 3.102 and X 3.141) establish a uniform means for specifying, assessing and comparing performance of data communications systems and services from the point...

Optimizing the Activated Sludge Process by Encouraging Futile Cycling
A study was conducted to demonstrate that cell yield in activated sludge processes can be decreased without increasing oxygen consumption by applying operating conditions that encourage...

Incremental Risk Analysis in Teaching Institutions
Institutions engaged in research and teaching in the natural sciences, constitute a diffuse source of chemical emissions. As many institutions embark on ambitious building programs, communities...

Risk of Waterborne Infectious Illness Associated with Diving in the Point Loma Kelp Beds, San Diego, CA
There is considerable interest in estimating the risk of bacterial and viral illness (i.e., disease, infection) associated with scuba diving in the Point Loma kelp beds located within...

Environmental Risk Assessment at a Gas Utility
Over the past 10 years, Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) has developed an environmental risk management program to mitigate or eliminate the potential health risks to employees,...

Monte Carlo Simulations of Uncertainties in Risk Assessments of Superfund Sites Using Crystal Ball?
Most health risk assessments for Superfund sites combine a series of worst case assumptions to derive a 'point estimate' of risk that is 'conservative,'...

Hazardous Waste Disposal: An Attitudinal Affront
Modern disposal facilities are thorough and conscientious in their methods. Environmentally sound practices are essential to protect the company and its clients from liability. The average...

Using Borosilicate Glass as a HLW Storage Medium
There is growing concern over the quality of present high level waste management techniques. Instances of nuclear accidents and contamination at nuclear waste sites in the United States...

Challenges Posed by Large-Scale Asbestos Abatement Projects in Occupied High-Rise Buildings
The challenges posed by a large-scale asbestos abatement project are great: providing a safe indoor environment for building tenants and property that is liability-free for the building...

Loss of Carrying Capacity in Pipes?Transporting Softened Water with High pH
The increase in pipe roughness and loss in carrying capacity for water mains carrying high pH water is documented with over 20 field tests conducted in Austin, Texas. The data show that...

Use of Water Hyacinths to Upgrade Treatment Plants
The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing water hyacinths to upgrade effluents from heavily-loaded municipal wastewater treatment plants located...

Full-Scale Evaluation of Filter Influent Chlorination and Ozonation
Ozone and chlorine applied ahead of pressure filters are compared to determine the effect of the chemical addition on the pressure differential across the filter bed. The study was significant...

Design and Construction of Slow Sand Filters
The belief that large area requirements are necessary is based on old concepts and contemporary engineering designs that overstate area requirements. Large area requirements result from...

Risk Assessment for the Multiple Threat from Dioxin Analysis
In this paper, the author focuses on the integrated method of estimating the risks and the evaluation of the risk acceptability based on a systematic classification of all risks involved...

A Practical Approach for Evaluating Environmental Risk
Risk management and assessment techniques are increasingly being used to project public health risks at hazardous wastes sites. Few studies have quantitatively evaluated the environmental...

Risk Assessment for TCE and Related Chemicals Based on Multi-Component, Multi-Media Transport Models
Trichloroethylene (TCE) is known to undergo anaerobic transformation and produces daughter products including dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride which have been known as possible carcinogenic...

Cost of Radon Control Measures in New Construction
Installation of a radon prevention system in new construction increases costs to builders and to homebuyers as well. Builders and/or their engineers will need to assess different approaches...





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