Uplift Load-Displacement Behavior of Grillage Foundations
Full-scale field tests were conducted on steel grillage foundations for lattice transmission line towers that had been in place since 1929, 1947, and 1958. A total of eight tests were...
Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Bridge Piers Subjected to Ship Impact
Results of a detailed analysis to evaluate the potential horizontal and vertical movements of the piers of George P. Coleman Bridge, Virginia, in the event of ship impact are presented...
Deformations in Sand Layer During Pile Driving
This paper presents measurements of settlement and lateral soil movements in a medium dense to dense sand layer due to densification during driving of precast concrete piles. At one end...
Pile Settlement Based on Dynamic Measurements
Dynamic measurements during driving are well established for monitoring driving performance and the prediction of pile capacity. Post driving, signal matching office methods (e.g. CAPWAP)...
Testing and Predicting the Movement of a Drilled Shaft in New Mexico
The New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department (NMSH&TD) have been using drilled shafts for supporting bridges in the State of New Mexico. Several drilled shafts were...
Static Pile Load-Movement From Dynamic Measurements
Static loading tests have traditionally been performed to determine the characteristics of pile load-movement relationships. Due to the expense involved and time required, this type of...
Numerical Study of Underpinning by Piles for Settlement Control of Strip Foundations
A numerical study has been carried out of a simple idealized problem of a shallow strip foundation (both flexible and rigid) on clay underpinned by rows of piles. The work is directed...
Design and Performance of a Piled Raft Foundation
The foundation system for a recently constructed building in Perth, Western Australia, consisted of combined pile groups and raft elements, with a total of 280 bored piles incorporated...
Model Tests on Caissons
Laboratory tests were conducted on model caissons to better understand the settlement/deflection behavior of open ended caissons on sandy soil, with embedment depth, caisson diameter,...
Wanapum Dam Embankment Settlement Study
This paper discusses the long term vertical movements of a zoned earth embankment. Vertical movement of the Wanapum Dam embankment has been monitored since its completion in 1964. The...
Analysis of the Juturnaiba Embankment Dam Built on an Organic Soft Clay
The Juturnaiba Dam, located in the northern part of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, has 1.2 km of its length built on an organic soft clay about four meters deep. The construction of the...
Replacement of a Failed Embankment Designed to Accommodate Large Settlement: A Case Study
Thick deposits of soft, normally to slightly preconsolidated, organic clay are common at low elevations along the riverbanks of southeast Texas. Both the moisture content and liquid limit...
Settlements of Highway Embankments on Soft Lacustrine Deposits
This paper presents the settlement study that was conducted in conjunction with the major freeway expansion project planned through Salt Lake City in which existing embankments will be...
Settlement of a 15-Meter Deep Fill Below a Building
The site for a building in western Pennsylvania was undermined, with the mine base about 15 m below planned final grade. Rock above the mine was highly fractured and of poor quality, indicating...
Performance of Nanhua Dam During Construction
The pore pressure response and settlement during the construction of Nanhua dam were studied by several methods, including Hilf's method, laboratory stress path simulation and numerical...
A Case History of Settlement of an Embankment on Lagoonal Deposits Influenced by Artesian Conditions
A geotechnical engineering investigation was performed for the Pearl Kai Center, a shopping center in the Pearl Harbor area of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The proposed commercial development...
Settlement Analysis of Landfill Liners over Deep Mined Areas
Tensile strains due to differential settlement from past mining activities were evaluated for a landfill liner. The landfill cell encompasses 20 acres and is located on a subsurface profile...
Dynamic Compaction of Landfill Beneath Embankment
This paper presents the results of a highway project where dynamic compaction was used to densify a closed landfill prior to constructing highway embankments over the landfill. The purpose...
Settlement Evaluation for Cap Closure Performance
Predicting short and long-term performance of a landfill cap system is a difficult task considering the generally unknown nature of the waste and magnitude and variation of settlement...
Preloading Organic Soils to Limit Future Settlements
This paper presents the authors' experience in preloading organic soils in south Florida to allow the construction of roadways, utilities, and low-rise residential structures on shallow...
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