Design of an Alluvial Channel Relocation in an Urban Environment
The relocation of a three-mile (4.8 km) reach of the Salt River channel in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona is reviewed. The methods used for hydraulic analysis of this dynamic alluvial channel...

Computer Aided Hydraulic Design of Open Channels
Over a 10 year period, the computer program, WASURO, was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Los Angeles (LAD), which utilized many of the criteria of the previously...

A Lawyer's View of Engineers' Responsibility
When presented with a case involving damaged property, a lawyer typically will seek to determine the point of the failure and then work backwards in an effort to analyze each of the factors...

Litigation Support Investigations Involving Complex Flood Plains
This paper presents the case history of a devastating flood that occurred in a community located on a complex flood plain adjacent to a tidally influenced bay. Flooding resulted from cumulative...

Pinto Wash Alluvial Fan Litigation
This paper presents a case history involving flood/damage litigation brought by a downstream farmer against an upstream farmer and a local public irrigation district. The case combined...

Southwestern Drainage Litigation
In this paper, three technical sources of drainage litigation are examined. First, in the overall sparsely but locally densely populated Southwest, there is a severe lack of precipitation...

Closed-Loop Control for Hydraulic Laboratory Operation
The implementation of Closed-Loop Feedback Control in the Bureau of Reclamation's Hydraulic Laboratory flow delivery system has provided an important new modeling tool for...

Mathematical Modeling of Compound Channel with High Sediment Concentration
The mathematical model for erodible channels, FLUVIAL-12, has been extended to simulate the fluvial processes in the lower reach of the Yellow River in China. Fluvial processes in the...

Geotechnical and Hydraulic Stability Numbers for Channel Rehabilitation: Part I, the Approach
A model of incised channel evolution was developed to integrate the geotechnical and hydraulic factors that are involved in channel rehabilitation. Bank stability is attained when the...

Stratigraphy of Alluvial Fan Flood Deposits
The purpose of this paper is to describe an engineering geologic technique for assessing the frequency and magnitude of sedimentation events on alluvial fans. The technique is based on...

Probabilistic Maintenance Opportunities
The Bureau of Reclamation has instituted a number of operation and maintenance oversight activities to ensure that Reclamation and water-user operated projects are operated and maintained...

Comparison of Vertical Velocity Measurements in the Great Lakes Connecting Channels with Theoretical Profiles
Vertical distribution of velocities was measured with an upward looking acoustic Doppler current profiler in the upper St. Clair River during November 1984 - April 1986 and the Detroit...

Coastal Flood Insurance Study Procedures for Puget Sound
Procedures for a coastal flood insurance study are presented. The 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year recurrence interval runup flood evaluations are estimated from an analysis of historical...

Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and the Environment
An interdisciplinary studies process was instrumental developing the controversial Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway in an environmentally responsible manner. The paper describes measures incorporated...

Modelling the Effects of Wind on Pavement Runoff
Phase I of this study, the primary focus of this paper, consists of the development of a mathematical model to predict runoff depths from a pavement under uniform wind conditions. The...

Kissimmee River: Engineering Approaches for Restoration
The Kissimmee River, located in central Florida, was channelized for flood control during the 1960s. Movements by environmental interest groups have produced strong sentiment to restore...

A Measure of Reservoir Efficiency
The notion of reservoir efficiency is defined for a water supply reservoir operated according to the standard policy, that is, one where the release is constant whenever physically possible....

The Life and Science of R. A. Bagnold
The purpose of this paper is to highlight and honor the exciting life and many significant contributions made by Brigadier Ralph A. Bagnold to our understanding of hydraulics and sediment...

Task Committee Activities on Microcomputer Software in Urban Hydrology
This Task Committee of the Surface Water Hydrology Committee has been established with the primary objective of developing an inventory of presently available software and to recommend...

Microcomputer Capability: Practitioners' Perspective
Leading practitioners in the water resources engineering field want new graduates who are well grounded in fundamentals and are computer literate. The needs of leading practitioners are...





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