The Effect of Compaction on Buried Flexible Pipes
This contribution presents an analysis of the installation of flexible pipes in granular soil. The deformation of the pipe cross section is measured in field and laboratory tests. It is...

A Look Back in Time to Verify Life Cycle Cost Analyses
The proper engineering design of any hydraulic structure requires consideration of different but interrelated fields of: 1) Planning, 2) Hydrology, 3) Hydraulics, 4) Structural, 5) Installation,...

Structural Safety and Reliability
This proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR '89) held on August 7-11, 1989 in San Francisco, California contains almost...

Museum Showcases the Future
On May 4 in Philadelphia, the Franklin Institute's new wing, called the Futures Center, will open to the public. When the institute's neoclassic main buiding...

The Next Earthquake
The California's October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake confirmed must of the current research and practice about structural engineering and seismic events. It also highlighted...

Kinematic Models of Extensional Structures: Seismic Implications
Kinematic models can relate faults of different types and different positions within a single dynamic system and thereby offer the potential to explain the disparate seismic activity characteristic...

Approach to Developing a Ground-Motion Design Basis for Facilities Important to Safety at Yucca Mountain
The DOE has proposed a methodology for developing a ground-motion design basis for prospective facilities at Yucca Mountain that are important to safety. The methdology utilizes a quasi-deterministic...

Estimating Earthquake Sizes in the Basin and Range Province, Western North America: Perspectives Gained from Historical Earthquakes
Thirty eight historical earthquake from the Basin and Range province were used to examine three aspects of earthquake size and behavior: 1) the maximum background earthquake, 2) earthquake...

Iodine Transport Through the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
The environmental assessment of the geological disposal of Canadian nuclear fuel waste involves transport modelling of radionuclides through the biosphere. Iodine-129 is a major fission...

Simulation of Reactive Chemical Transport in a Varying Thermal Field with Reaction-Flow Coupling
A computer program, THCVP, simulates coupling between advective/diffusive solute transport and chemical reactions, coupling of the reactions to heat transport, and feedback from precipitation/dissolution...

Simulation of Radionuclide Retardation at Yucca Mountain Using a Stochastic Mineralogical/Geochemical Model
This paper presents preliminary transport calculations for radionuclide movement at Yucca Mountain using preliminary data for retardation parameter distributions based on mineral distributions....

Optimal Route Selection for High Level Nuclear Waste Transport Based Upon Radiological Risk
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate route optimization based directly upon the minimization of radiological risk as computed from local conditions. An operational impact analysis...

Outline of Performance Assessment Study on Geological Isolation System in Japan
The goals of current R&D activities are to ensure the feasibility of geological isolation of HLW in Japan and then to establish the social acceptance. In order to attain these...

Evaluation of Near-Field Thermal Environmental Conditions for a Spent Fuel Repository in Tuff
A repository heat transfer analysis is being performed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL)a for the U.S. Department of Energy's...

A Numerical Study of Some Effects of Nuclear Fuel Waste Vault Construction and Closure on Evolution of Groundwater Flow Paths in the Geosphere
We have performed a series of three dimensional finite-element simulations on the sensitivity of the groundwater flow paths and travel times in a conceptual hydrogeological model with...

Three-Dimensional Plume Dynamics in the Vadose Zone: PORFLO-3 Modeling of a Defense Waste Leak at Hanford
In 1973, approximately 450 m3 of liquid containing radioactive and chemical wastes leaked from the 241-T-106 single-shell tank into the vadose zone...

Geochemical Modeling: An Integrated Approach to Nuclear Waste Disposal Issues
To meet nuclear waste repository licensing requirements, the response of repository components and of the enclosing host rocks and fluids to temperature fluctuations, fluid flow, radionuclide...

Regulatory Considerations for Designing Surface Facilities for Yucca Mountain High-Level Waste Repository
This paper outlines U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) key regulations applicable to U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) design...

Simulation Modeling of Subsurface Development
This paper discusses the use of simulation modeling in analyzing subsurface development activities and estimating associated costs at the Yucca Mountain candidate repository site. Described...

Systems Models for Predicting Radioactive Waste
This paper illustrates how a model can be constructed to analyze the growth of accumulated spent Light-Water-Reactor fuel using a technique from systems theory which has proved to be capable...





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