Best Management Practices and Community Education
The 1987 Water Quality Act requires the permitting of municipal separate storm sewer systems and the reduction by permittees of the discharge of pollutants in stormwater to the maximum...

Anaheim State-of-the-Art Water Treatment Plant?Six Years from Conception to Completion
After six years of intensive planning, budgeting, pilot testing, design, and construction, the City of Anaheim, California, has successfully completed the modifications to the 15 mgd Lenain...

Use of Reclaimed Water in Cooling Towers
The Mobil Oil Torrance Refinery is a modem fuels refinery in Los Angeles County. Like all crude oil refineries, it requires a reliable supply of water for process cooling, steam generation,...

The Fabric Dyers' Use of Recycled Water
Tuftex Industries manufactures both residential and commercial carpets. As a Division of Queen Carpets, Tuftex is the largest carpet manufacturer on the West Coast and part of the fourth...

Conjunctive Water Use Transforms a California Desert
An area doing multi-billion dollar recreational and agricultural business in the Southern California Sonoran desert owes its existence and well being to two things?wise water planning...

ASR Case Study?City of Salem, Oregon
The City of Salem, Oregon is developing an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system to provide a 20 mgd capacity, 440 mg volume, emergency storage and peak day supplementary supply. When...

A DEM Based Hydrologic and Sediment Transport Model
A DEM-based, physically-distributed model was developed for simulating event runoff and erosion on an agricultural watershed. Runoff was described using the diffusion equation with flow...

Effects of Spatial Data Resolution and Subarea Size on a Distributed Runoff Model
Spatial data layers of elevation, land use, and soils for a small agricultural watershed in Pennsylvania were used to study the effect of resolution degradation of raster data on the output...

Economic Efficiency of Regulations for Allocation and Control of Surface Water Withdrawals in Humid Regions
This paper proposes several alternative regulatory instruments for the allocation of flowing water and evaluates these instruments with respect to economic efficiency for a hypothetical...

Modeling the Impact of Uncertainty in Spatial Variability of Estuarine Boundary Conditions
Multi-dimensional numerical estuarine models that consider baroclinic forcing require the specification of both the water surface and the water density (salinity and temperature) at the...

Modeling the Impact of Sea Level Rise in Delaware Bay
A three-dimensional model of the Delaware Bay has been employed to provide insight on the impact of a 1.0 ft (0.304 in) sea level rise on salinity conditions in Delaware Bay. Model results...

Management of Stream-Aquifer Systems in the 21st Century
Many water agencies, especially those in the arid and semi-arid southwest of United States rely on stream-aquifer systems for a significant proportion of their water supplies. Wastewater...

Utilizing Geomorphic Analogs for Design of Natural Stream Channels
Engineering guidelines for the design of stable rock armored channels are well established. However, few guidelines exist for designers involved with the reconstruction of channels with...

Environmental Policy Making in Today's Political Environment
There are many philosophical and political forces of change in America today which are molding the environmental agenda of the 104th Congress. What is the proper role of the federal government?...

Comparison of General vs. Multi Sector NPDES Storm Water Permits
In November 1990, in response to the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act, the EPA initiated the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permitting program....

San Diego County Water Authority's Emergency Storage Project: A Major Planning Achievement
The San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) has been actively working to maximize the security of the future water needs of the community it serves. The Emergency Storage Project...

The Standley Lake Protection Project
Until recently, there has been no physical separation between potentially contaminated runoff from the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant and Standley Lake, the nearby water supply...

Stormwater Management for San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, Orange County, California
San Joaquin Hifis Transportation Corridor (SJHTC or Corridor) is one of the largest design-build toll roads in U.S.A. To meet stringent environmental mitigation requirements, to ensure...

Hydrodynamic Changes Associated with Navigation Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System
Research has been conducted at the Illinois State Water Survey for the last five to seven years to collect field data from the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers to determine the extent and...

Distributions of Return Flow in Navigable Waterways
Physical impacts of barge traffic on the riverine environment have drawn increasing attention from resource managers of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). Return flow, which can...





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