Program Management B.C.
Through a process of forensic analysis that applied modern-day technology to bridge the chasm of time, a team of construction managers with the international architecture/engineering/construction...

Application of Linear Programming Techniques to Optimize Groundwater Withdrawals for a Pump and Treat System at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
The U.S. Army disposed chemical agents, laboratory materials, and unexploded ordnance at the O-Field landfill from before World War II until at least the 1950s. Soil, ground water, surface...

Use of Optimization Techniques to Evaluate Ground-Water Management Strategies in the Central and West Coast Basins, Los Angeles County, California
The U.S. Geological Survey and the Water Replenishment District of Southern California are engaged in a cooperative study of the geohydrology, geochemistry, and ground-water management...

Watercourse Master Plans: Two Case Studies
(No paper) The State of Arizona recently established statutes (ARS 48-3609.01) that enable local flood control districts to identify sensitive watercourses for floodplain management. The...

A Statewide Economic Optimization Model for California II: Model and Results
(No paper) Traditionally simulation models have been used for multi-reservoir operation studies. More recently deterministic optimization models have been used to identify promising alternatives...

City of Phoenix Water System Water Plan: Beyond the Year 2000
(No paper) System demands with the City of Phoenix water system are accommodated by utilization of water supplied from several different sources distributed through an interconnected system....

Retrofitting CSO Infrastructure in New Haven, Connecticut
(No paper) The City of New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority operates a wastewater collection and treatment system which serves over 130,000 residents in the cities of New Haven,...

Economic Valuation of Agricultural Water Use for Large-Scale Modeling
(No paper) A state-wide irrigated agricultural production model has been developed for California. The model is an extension of the Central Valley Production (CVP) Model that was most...

Use of Economic Optimization to Evaluate New Facilities
(No paper) The confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and the San Francisco Bay forms the largest estuary on the West Coast. Known as the Bay-Delta, the region supplies drinking...

Use of Economic Optimization to Assess the Value of Water Marketing
(No paper) There is an increasing interest and implementation of water markets as an allocation mechanism for water in the Western U.S. However, the importance of the timing and location...

Roughness Coefficients in Manning's Equation as an Estimating Tool for Bankfull Discharge in Natural Channels
(No paper) This paper compares the results of Annable's work to the roughness coefficients by stream type given in Rosgen (1994) as well as some additional coefficients from the eastern...

Evaluation of a Soil Vapor Extraction System: A Post-Audit Assessment
(No paper) Numerous sites contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOC) have implemented soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems to remediate the unsaturated zone. The SVE systems have...

The Evolution of Florida Water Management
(No paper) The State of Florida has always been very cautious to protect it's natural resources which is the cornerstone of the State's economy. The availability to vast quantities of...

A Risk-Based Approach to Subsurface NORM Disposal
(No paper) Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) has become an environmental concern for the petroleum industry. NORM scales results when naturally occurring radium co-precipitates...

Resolving the Water Wars: The Compacts Between Alabama, Florida, and Georgia
(No paper) Several water supply proposals on behalf of Georgia have caused a water rights ?war? which pits Alabama and Florida against Georgia in the Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint...

Watershed and Reservoir Response Models for the Occoquan Reservoir
(No paper) The Occoquan Reservoir serves as a primary water supply for over 800,000 Virginians in the Washington (DC) Metropolitan area. The Occoquan Watershed is approximately 560 square...

Integration of SWMM and ARCVIEW GIS for Interactive Decision Support
(No paper) This paper covers the integration of the EPA SWMM runoff model and ESRI's ArcView GIS for utilization by the City of Phoenix for decision support concerning land use changes...

A GIS-Based Interactive Decision Making Tool for Watershed Management
(No paper) BASINS?Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources, a geographical information system- (GIS-) based tool developed and released by the US EPA, provides...

Sensitivity of Stormwater Conveyance System Cost to Design Recurrence Interval
(No paper) The cost of a piped and/or swaled stormwater system is determined principally by the storm recurrence interval (e.g., 5-year design storm) used to design it. That is, the present...

Determination of Flood Frequency as a Function of Mitigation Expenditure
(No paper) This paper describes an approach to the determination of flood frequency as a function of moneys that could be spent to address a road flooding problem caused by runoff from...





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