Hydrologic and Geochemical Approaches for Determining Ground-Water Flow Components
Lyman Lake is an irrigation-storage reservoir on the Little Colorado River near St. Johns, Arizona. The main sources of water for the lake are streamflow in the Little Colorado River and...

Stream Water Quality Modeling in Ankara Metropolitan Area
At the time this study was undertaken, untreated wastewaters from Ankara metropolitan area (capital of Turkish Republic) were being discharged directly into Ankara Creek and its tributaries....

Erosion Potential of Pacific Basin Precipitation
Average annual erosivity (EI) values were developed using 20 years of hourly precipitation data from weather stations located on each of 10 Pacific Basin islands. Average annual erosivity...

Prematurely Terminated Slug Tests?A Field Application
Slug tests suffer problems of non-uniqueness to a greater extent than other well tests. Alternatively, a prematurely terminated slug test (PTST) or a systematized drillstem test is proposed,...

Groundwater Modeling with GIS: An Example
The versatility and widespread usage of a geographic information system (GIS) as a hydrological modeling tool is only now showing up in the literature. In this regard, a research team...

A National Bridge Scour Data Collection Program
A study to collect and analyze field measurements of bridge scour is being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The primary objective...

Spatially Varying Velocity Distribution in Non-uniform Open Channel Flow
The spatial variation of velocity distribution in non-uniform flows were studied, within the framework of a velocity distribution model derived by a probabilistic formulation and entropy-maximization....

PC Versatility in Modern Hydraulic Laboratory Data Acquisition Systems
Recent and newly emerging developments in low cost (personal) computing have enabled engineers to implement sophisticated data collection and analysis techniques on computing platforms...

Data Acquisition Systems for IBM Compatible System
Portable data acquisition systems composed of IBM compatible PC/XT/AT computers and analog to digital conversion cards can be configured with relative ease. These systems have the flexibility...

Computerized Data Acquisition for an Undergraduate Hydraulics Laboratory
Basic hydraulics principles and the operation of certain hydraulic systems can be effectively demonstrated with the aid of relatively inexpensive data acquisition and analyses systems....

Chesapeake Bay Data Set for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Verification
A comprehensive data set representing September 1983 conditions on the Chesapeake Bay has been assembled and is proposed as a possible data set for inclusion in the work of the ASCE Task...

Proposed Methodology to Update Embayment Sedimentation Data for TVA Reservoirs
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of bathymetric data resulting from routine fisheries and aquatic biology hydroacoustic surveys in TVA reservoirs for...

Use of Electronic Microprocessor-Based Instrumentation by the U.S. Geological Survey for Hydrologic Data Collection
The U.S. Geological Survey is acquiring a new generation of field computers and communications software to support hydrologic data-collection at field locations. The new computer hardware...

Data Acquisition Techniques for Rotating Machinery
Monitoring the condition and performance of a hydraulic turbine or pump requires the simultaneous collection of data related to shaft speed, torque, power, water and airborne sound pressure...

Ambient Suspended Sediment Concentration and Turbidity Levels
The temporal variation of suspended sediment concentration and turbidity is an important component of the riverine environment. The maximum rate of discrete volumetric sample collection...

Application of a Geographic Information System to Estuarine Hydrodynamic Modeling
A geographic information system has been used in a hydrodynamic study of Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, to provide an efficient means for spatial data organization, information display,...

Data Acquisition for Hydrologic GIS
Various data acquisition options for hydrologic oriented GIS are presented. These options include manual digitizing, commercial digital data, satellite products, and automated scanning....

Uncertainty Quantification in Water Distribution Parameter Estimation
Calibration for water distribution system model parameters is usually undertaken with a minimal amount of field measurements so additional pseudomeasurements are assumed. Both the actual...

Daily Drought Monitoring by the Use of Existing Hydrologic Records
To manage water efficiently in case of drought, an effective drought monitoring method has been of interest. Drought durations and their conditional probabilities are estimated by applying...

Sedimentation Aspects of Floodplain Management
This paper presents sedimentation aspects of a recent disastrous flood that occurred during September 10-12 1990 in the Han River basin, a central part of the Korean peninsula. The flood...





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