Settlement of Peats and Organic Soils
New advances in investigation of settlement of peats and organic soils and issues related to construction over such soft ground are presented. Peats and organic soils are well known for...

Settlement of Dynamically Compacted Deposits
This paper compares predicted and measured settlements of deposits that were densified by means of dynamic compaction. Settlement records are presented for sites consisting of old, midage,...

Experimental Study of the Settlement of Shallow Foundations
This article describes the main results obtained experimentally by the French Bridge and Road Research Laboratories on the settlement of shallow foundations under centered vertical loads....

Tolerable Deformations
Current criteria for tolerable movements of buildings, bridges and other structures are reviewed. Tolerable values of total and differential settlement, relative rotation, relative deflection...

Settlement Prediction for Driven Piles and Pile Groups
Various methods of settlement prediction are reviewed for single piles and pile groups, and it is demonstrated that several of the methods give similar results. It is also found that the...

Settlement Analysis for 450 Meter Tall KLCC Towers
The site evaluation and settlement analysis performed for the two tallest buildings in the world currently under construction, are described. The site evaluation resulted in shifting building...

Vibration Induced Settlement From Blast Densification and Pile Driving
This paper describes settlement and vibration environments produced by two construction activities, blast densification and pile driving. Blasting is of interest because of the significant...

Residual Soil Settlment Related to the Weathering Profile
Residual soils are the in-place residue from rock weathering. They differ greatly from the better understood deposited soils in that their particle arrangements and mineralogy reflect...

Movement of Foundations on Rock
This paper reviews methods for estimating the settlement of vertically loaded foundations on rock, with particular emphasis on shallow and piled foundations in and on soft rock....

Stress-Deformation Behavior of an Embankment on Boston Blue Clay
An 11 m high I-95 embankment was thoroughly instrumented with piezometers, settlement rods and inclinometers to measure the behavior of the underlying 40 m thick deposit of Boston Blue...

Stress and Settlement of Footings in Sand
In current engineering practice, the magnitude of the settlement of a footing in sand, as compared to the settlement of a different size footing in the same sand, is considered to be a...

Load Settlement curve Method for Spread Footings of Sand
A newly developed method is presented to predict the complete load settlement curve for square spread footings on sand loaded at their center with a vertical load and with an embedment...

Downdrag on Piles: Review and Recent Experimentation
A review of the literature on pile downdrag is provided, within the context of a recent full-scale study involving two pile groups driven in soft clay, subsequently surcharged by a 2.5...

Prediction of Movement in Expansive Clays
The movement of expansive soils is usually due to a change of suction near the soil surface. The properties of the soil that govern the amount and rate of movement are the suction compression...

Test and Prediction Results for Five Spread Footings on Sand
A separate volume summarizes this prediction symposium. It is available from ASCE in New York and is entitled as listed above. This prediction event took place during the conference and...

Measuring the Benefits of Flood Risk Reduction
Property damages avoided, land price analysis, and contingent valuation were techniques used to estimate the economic benefits of flood risk reduction for residential land parcels in Roanoke,...

A Study of Alkalinity Leaching and Residual Strength of Alkaline Stabilized Sludge
The addition of sufficient amounts of quicklime or other alkaline earth oxides to dewatered sludge raises both the pH and temperature of the sludge, resulting in microbial inactivation....

Beneficial Use Alternatives for Water Treatment Plant Residuals
The beneficial use alternatives which are currently in practice for water treatment plant residuals and their relative advantages and disadvantages are summarized in this paper. The alternatives...

Biodegradation of Phenanthrene in Sand Columns in the Presence of Nonionic Surfactants
The effects of three nonionic surfactants on phenanthrene (C14H10) removal and mineralization by aerobic bacteria...

Quantification of the Mechanisms Controlling the Removal Rate of Volatile Contaminants by Air Sparging
Air sparging is a technology for removing dissolved and volatile phase chemicals (VOCs) from the saturated zone. It is used in conjunction with soil vapor extraction (SVE) and sometimes...





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