Data Base of Seismic Body Wave Velocities and Geotechnical Properties
A data base of seismic velocities measured in soils and standard geotechnical engineering material properties has been established at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Meteorological Aspects of Hurricane Hugo
Despite recent improvements in the accuracy of hurricane forecasting at a rate of about one-half to one percent per-year over the past decade, the population growth in coastal mainland...

Performance of Building Resistance to Water, Waves and Erosion
Water damage to buildings due to Hugo was widespread and severe throughout low-lying coastal areas. Flood insurance claim payments have already exceeded $350 million, the largest payout...

Pumping In and Pumping Out: Case Histories of Fluidized Sand Bypassing for Channels and Beachface Dewatering for Beaches
New technologies can change management of sand in coastal areas. Fluidization, pumping in additional water beyond the quicksand point, makes a 50:50 sand-water slurry that will flow down...

Dune Maintenance
Beach nourishment and stabilization may be achieved through the replacement of sand eroded from the dune. A generalized description of the physical processes and the storm protection benefits...

Are Timber Seawalls that Fail, Cost Effective??Seacliff State Beach Santa Cruz County, California
Proposed reconstruction of a major portion of a 5,100-foot long timber seawall at Seacliff State Beach in Santa Cruz County, California, in 1984, became a major controversy because of...

Assessment of the Nearshore Zone at St. Marys Inlet, Florida
St. Marys Inlet connects Cumberland Sound from the Atlantic Ocean and actually forms the coastline border between Georgia and Florida. Drumstick shaped barriers are located to the north...

An Offshore Seismic Data Network
Response to environmental forces is a major performance consideration in designing offshore oil and gas facilities. Climatic and oceanographic data are available for most offshore sites....

A Piston-Type Nonlinear Wavemaker Theory
In this paper, the small-amplitude surface waves produced by a piston-type nonlinear porous wavemaker in an infinitely and a semi-infinitely long channel are studied. Analytical solution...

Model Comparisons of Harbor Wave Response
Physical and numerical model tests were conducted for an idealized, flat-bottom rectangular harbor, entrance channel, and nearshore bathymetry. Bathymetry of the entrance channel and offshore...

Method for Treating the Stochastic Nature of Water Level and Wave Climate in Determining Economically Optimal Channel Depth at Small-Boat Harbors
Engineering and economic aspects of channel depth at small-boat harbors is discussed. The concept of wave-adjusted water level is shown to be important to specifying channel bottom elevation....

Rehabilitation of Vertical Thin-Walled Breakwater
Physical hydraulic model tests were conducted to measure wave transmission and force characteristics of a partial vertical thin-walled breakwater. Tests were run for the breakwater in...

Geological Assessment of Offshore Sand Deposits
The United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico continental shelf contains large numbers of surficial sand deposits. The search for sand resources for metropolitan construction and coastal...

Marsh Erosion by Wave Action
This paper summarizes an analysis of salt marsh shoreline erosion, wind velocities and wave energy in Corte Madera Bay during an abnormally calm period in 1989. Winds during the study...

Geomorphic Analysis for Enhancement and Restoration of the Tijuana Estuary, California
Geomorphic analysis and results of field investigations in the Tijuana Estuary, California, are used in developing the rationale for an enhancement and restoration design that increases...

Beach and Cliff Erosion Processes at Solana Beach, California, 1984-1990
Observations of back beach elevation changes, profiles and cliff erosion over a 7-year period from 1984-1990 provide a detailed local view of these processes and rates at a typical Southern...

Grunion Spawning Versus Beach Nourishment: Nursery or Burial Ground?
At Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro, California, a major sand renourishment project was scheduled to commence during the annual grunion spawning season, which occurs from February through August....

Coastal Erosion Problems in Romania
The paper presents some geomorphological features and erosion problems of the Romanian coast. We also reveal wind and wave climates. General characteristics of the sediments on the entire...

The Coastline of Bangladesh?An Overview of Processes and Forms
The paper describes the coastline of Bangladesh the inlet system, geometry, hydro-geo-morphological characteristics and the processes with which it is formed. The coastline has been identified...

Nantucket Island's Shifting Shoals and Moving Shores: Near-shore Bathymetry Controls Beach Deposition and Erosion
Historical records and our observations show that the near-shore shoal complex of Pochick Rip and Old Man Shoal has slowly but continuously built to the north along Nantucket Island's...





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