Suspended Sediment Loads in Dry and Wet Years
Many factors other than water discharge influence the suspended sediment load in rivers. The climate condition is one of the factors. It is expected that the relation between Qs...

Specification of Cu, Pb and Cr in Contaminated Sediment Effected by pH
Sediment was sampled from a contaminated river. Sequential extraction was applied to determine the speciations of Cu, Pb, and Cr in the sediment with varied pH (5?9), and the redox potential...

Use of Channel Forming Discharge Concepts for Flood Control Channel Design
Evidence suggests that for perennial and ephemeral rivers that are in regime, bankfull flow is strongly correlated with channel morphology. Evidence suggests that this discharge is also...

Reversibility Measures for Sustainable Decisions
Increasing stress on the environment and current norms of sustainable development have prompted the formalization of new approaches to decision making. This may be achieved through the...

The Integration of Receiving Water Impacts in the Evaluation Process of Alternative Designs for CSO Abatement in Providence, RI
The Providence, Rhode Island sewer system is undergoing a combined sewer overflow abatement program. One measure of the program's effectiveness is the reduction of water quality...

Operational Aspects of Warning
Uzbekistan is referred to as the region where the most dangerous natural phenomena are: mudfloods, floods, and avalanches. During the last decades the areas of their manifestation were...

A Paradox at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado: Benefits of Applied Research
The Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), which is located north of Denver, Colorado, was a manufacturing site for chemical weapons during World War II and pesticides for several decades after...

Effect of Surface Water and Ground Water Interaction on Atrazine Transport to Pumping Wells
High concentrations of agricultural chemicals in flood waters have been reported in many Midwestern rivers and streams. The public water supply wells of a number of riparian communities...

Pollutant Transport Across Porous Stream Beds
The presence of porous streambeds generates a significant interaction between the main stream flow above it and the flow through the porous sub-stratum. This coupling affects both flows,...

Simulation of Perilithic Algae as a Biofilm and Its Interaction with the Water Column
A one-dimensional bioflim model has been constructed consisting of a particulate phase of algae and inert material and diffusive transport of nutrients and oxygen. Also included is mass...

Identifying Trends from Streamflow Records?A Case Study
Historical streaniflow records for the Ruby River, in southwestern Montana were analyzed for trends and for changes in the precipitation-runoff relationship. Trends were first identified...

Uncertainty in Comparative Analysis with Continuous Nonpoint Source Pollution Models
There have been few attempts to quantify the impact of parameter uncertainty in comparative analysis with continuous nonpoint source pollution models. This paper presents the results of...

The Last Two Extreme Floods in Germany?Analyses and Consequences
The last two extreme floods in Germany occurred in December 1993/January 1994 and January 1995 within the River Rhine basin with both floods having different causes. In a comparison study,...

Flash Floods and Their Warning in Vietnam
At present, in Vietnam flash floods occur on small mountainous catchments and cause considerable damage to lives and property, to the national economy, and to the environment. The flash-flood...

Impact of Anthropogenic Activities in Rivers Upon Accuracy of Hydrological Forecasts and on Development of Forecasting Methodologies?Experiences from the Slovak-Hungarian Reach of Danube
The Danube, as an international river, crosses eight states of Europe. This calls for the need of close cooperation of the Danubian countries, particularly for operational forecasts issuance,...

Quantitative Monitoring of Plata River Basin Waters
The governments of Argentina, Bolivia. Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, represented in the First Extraordinary Meeting of Chancellors of the Nations bordering the Plata River Basin, held...

A GIS Sewer Database for a University Campus
The development of a geographic information system (GIS) based sewer network database for the Purdue University campus in West Lafayette, Indiana, is discussed in this paper. The database,...

Design and Construction of the Santa Ana River Wash Crossing of the Inland Feeder
The Inland Feeder Pipeline passes beneath the Santa Ana River in Southern California. The flood plain of the river provides the habitat for two endangered species and to avoid surface...

Non-Federal Flood Control Works Inspection Program
This paper presents a general description of the Non-Federal FCW Inspection Program and results obtained from the evaluations already completed. A discussion of the GIS package for data...

California Border Environment Activities Since Passage of NAFTA
This paper presents a summary of the activities undertaken by the State of California to improve the border environment since passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...





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