The Injury/Restoration Handshake
This paper explains the two components of restoration, proposes a system for evaluating injuries while planning a damage assessment, and applies these concepts to a hypothetical release...

The Use of Economics in Restoration Planning
Economic methods can be used to estimate the value of resource services in terms of a common denominator (e.g., dollars). Resource value estimates can help in determining the expected...

Pre-Spill Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessments
The effectiveness of the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process for oil and chemical spills can be improved by planning and coordination among natural resource trustees before...

Myths, Models and Managers of Marine Resources
This paper argues that the assumptions of scientific models are often accepted without verification. Examining the use of Hardin's tragedy of the commons model in the management of marine...

A Guide for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint Source Sediment Loads: Where to Treat?
The authors present a simplified guide to decide where to expend money and efforts to reduce sediment loads that cause water quality problems. This guide is intended for resource managers...

Strategies for Estuarine Management: Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
In 1990, FDNR initiated the development of a strategic plan that identified significant resource threats to the Rookery bay estuary, and five primary resource management strategies in...

The Mullica River?Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: A Unique Opportunity for Research, Preservation, and Management
The NOAA program on National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) has developed to encompass 21 locations, each dedicated to the development and operation of an estuarine area as a natural...

A Watershed Approach to Coastal Zone Management for the Elkhorn Slough Estuarine Complex
The goal of establishing a scientifically-based, watershed planning and resource management framework for Elkhorn Slough in Monterey County, California has been an on-going effort for...

The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve Management Plan?A Model for Other Estuarine Reserves and a Mechanism for Improved Coastal Resources Policy
This paper describes the management plan for the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, an approximately 1600-acre site along the southern Maine coast. With the assistance of planning...

Coastal Development and Cumulative Effects
This paper considers management of habitat quality in coastal zones. It highlights contradictions between modern needs and past modes of development, including industrialization, agrarian...

Habitat Degradation of the LaBranche Wetlands and an Approach to its Restoration
Considered the most productive wetlands within the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, the LaBranche Wetlands south of Lake Pontchartrain consists of over 18,000 acres of brackish to fresh marsh...

Environmental Impacts of Small Boat Navigation: Vessel/Sediment Interactions and Management Implications
It is the intent of this review and discussions to provide state-of-the-art information on one aspect of the issue of environmental impacts associated with small boat navigation, that...

An Examination of Created Marsh and Seagrass Utilization by Living Marine Resources
It is evident that the time scale required for equivalent functioning of created marsh, seagrass and oyster habitats in terms of LMR utilization is on the scale of years. Even after two...

Accelerating and Evaluating the Development of Restored and Constructed Seagrass Ecosystems
Seagrass beds from one of the most productive ecosystems in the world (Zieman and Wetzel 1980). NOAA often recommends that unavoidable impacts to these highly productive systems be mitigated...

Dunes Management Plan: Long Beach Peninsula, Washington
The dunes management plan, completed in June 1989, addresses public education; land use jurisdiction and enforcement; funding; economic and environmental resource values; land development...

Ocean Management Under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act: Sanctuaries, Dumping and Development
This paper examines the terms of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (MPRSA), 3 its legislative history, and its implementation by NOAA and EPA, and concludes...

Challenges for Coastal Resources Management in the Cheonsu Bay, The Republic of Korea
Under the development-oriented national policy on coastal zone uses, the current institutional arrangements of Korea cannot provide an integrated way. Thus the management efforts often...

Needs for Management and Conservation of the Southern Gulf of Mexico
The shorelines of the southern of Mexico are a mixture of varied and diverse habitats. Nearly 2,600 km of shoreline and half of the area of the Gulf of Mexico belongs to the Mexican Economic...

Coastal Restoration: Louisiana's Saving Grace
Louisiana loses an estimated sixty-five square kilometers of coastal wetlands per year. In response to this loss, the Coastal Restoration Division of the Louisiana Department of Natural...

The NOAA Restoration Center: Next Steps
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Restoration Center (RC) was founded in 1991. Since its inception it has made significant progress along several fronts. Foremost,...





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