ASCE Salary Survey 1993
The 22nd biennial ASCE salary survey of the engineering profession conducted by the ASCE Committee on Employment Conditions during the first half of 1993 is presented. It consists of an...

New Technology in Coastal Wave Monitoring
The Coastal Data Informational Program (CDIP) is an extensive network for monitoring waves along the Pacific coastlines of the US. The system has evolved substantially since its inception...

Design of an In-Situ Directional Wave Gage for One Year Deployments
This paper describes the design and implementation of a new in-situ, directional wave gage that records hourly directional spectra continuously during a 13-month deployment period. If...

Design and Testing of the NDBC Wave Processing Module
The U.S National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) has developed a new wave data acquisition and processing system, called the Wave Processing Module (WPM), using state-of-the-art technologies and...

Low-frequency Fluctuations of Suspended Sand and Wave Groups in the Surf Zone
Field observations of the sand suspension near the bottom in surf zone are presented and discussed. Calculated spectra of suspended sand concentration and wave envelope was found to be...

A Method for Locating Spikes in a Measured Time Series
Raw directional wave sample time series are frequently contaminated with spikes from various sources. The standard procedure in correctly editing these time series includes locating and...

The Development of a Wave Data Analysis Standard for a National Wave Measurement Program
The Field Wave Gaging Program (FWGP) at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) collects and analyzes wave data from around the U.S. coastline to contribute...

Comparisons of Directional Wave Analysis Methods
Four methods analysing directional wave spectrum were testes and compared through numerical simulation. The four methods are (i) the truncated Fourier series (TFS), (ii) the Longuet-Higgins...

Evolutionary Fourier Analysis of Wave Data
A new method is presented for analyzing nonstationary water level height time series. The usual assumption of pseudo-stationary intervals is avoided and the wave spectra can be changing...

A New Correction Procedure for Shipborne Wave Recorder Data
A new correction procedure for Shipborne Wave Recorder (SBWR) wave height and spectral data is described. The method is based on a reassessment of the available frequency response measurements...

Extensive Comparison of Directional Wave Analysis Methods From Gauge Array Data
In order to settle an efficient operational wave gauge array for estimating directional wave spectrum, several directional analysis methods are implemented and compared. These methods...

Case Studies of Extreme Wave Analysis: A Comparative Analysis
Several methods of extremal wave analysis have been applied to two sets of deep water extreme wave data. One set consisted of three-hourly sea-state records collected during a nine year...

Implementation of Elastic Layered Theory for Design of Unbonded Overlays
The U.S. Army and Air Force have implemented the elastic layered theory for design of unbonded overlays for rigid airfield pavements. The procedure allows for design of unbonded overlays...

Airports and Air Quality Issues - the European Perspective
This paper presents a detailed review of air quality studies at European Airports since 1986. It also provides a brief analysis of the air quality section of a recent ACI (Europe) environmental...

Reservoir Operation Using Bayesian Inferencing and Balancing Rules
The water resources problem addressed in this paper is real-time, multi-purpose reservoir operation. Specifically, daily, or at the most, weekly operations are considered. A hybrid modeling...

Evaluating Sensitivity of Hydraulic Control Optimization Models
Sensitivity of hydraulic control optimization models to variation in gradient constraints is examined. Monte Carlo simulation is used in conjunction with repeated optimization runs to...

Aquifer Remediation Design: Nonlinear Programming and Genetic Algorithms
Nonlinear programming and genetic algorithm solutions of a pump-and-treat aquifer remediation design model are presented and discussed. These models find the minimum cost design of the...

Integration of Reliability, Uncertainty and Optimization in Hydraulics Systems: Structural Reliability
The focus of this paper is to provide an overview of analysis and optimal design of systems in which the system reliability is dependent upon the structure of the system (such as the layout...

Designing Optimal Reliable Multiquality Water Supply Systems
A methodology which integrates optimal design and reliability of a multiquality water supply system is presented and demonstrated. The system constructed is able to sustain prescribed...

A Physically Based Conceptual Model for Simulating Contaminant Levels in Subsurface Water
A conceptual physical model is developed to simulate solute transport and mixing in the vadose (unsaturated) and groundwater zones. The conceptual model couples lumped-parameters models...





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