Predicting Tidal Currents in San Francisco Bay Using a Spectral Model
This paper describes the formulation of a spectral (or frequency based) model which solves the linearized shallow water equations. To account for highly variable basin bathymetry, spectral...

Density Currents and Their Application in Hydraulic Engineering: Task Committee Progress Report
The Task Committee on Density Currents and Their Applications in Hydraulic Engineering operates under the Technical Committee on Hydrologic Transport and Dispersion. The Task Committee...

Comparisons Between Space Facilities and Earth-Based Analogs
This presentation will focus on the design of planetary bases and space stations as based on comparative designs for facilities in analogous harsh and isolated environments here on Earth....

Chasing Birds from Oil Spills?Two Experiments
Two Canadian studies that addressed different aspects of this problem were conducted in the late 1970's. One was funded by Canadian Marine Drilling Ltd. (Canmar), who was...

The Formulation of a Comprehensive Program to Protect Marine Wildlife Resources During an Oil Spill: A Case Study in Problem Solving Through Private and Public Sector Cooperation
This paper describes a unique experiment in private and public sector cooperation which led to the formulation of a comprehensive program designed to maximize the protection accorded Southern...

Maritime Planning in New Zealand
This paper discusses maritime planning in New Zealand. After giving some background information, it deals with the statutory basis of such planning. It then looks at the Auckland experience,...

A Coastal Zone Management Strategy for the Sultanate of Oman
As a further response to the pressures of development, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has contracted the International Union for Conservation of nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)...

The Location Study for Sea City as Residential Quarters
The objective of this study is to understand the spatial expansion created by community activities in the urban community, as a prior stage to calculate the off-shore distance in the location...

Marine Safety, the Marine Environment, and MSIS
The Marine Safety Information System (MSIS) serves as a management information system for the allocation of increasingly scarce coast guard (CG) resources. Its large, central data base...

The Importance of Large Landsat Data Sets for Isolating Sediment Resuspension Processes
An optical density analysis of Landsat film transparencies would show spatial variations of suspended sediment concentrations. The residual optical density profile inversely shows above...

Federal-State Conflicts & A 12-Mile Territorial Sea
The growing tension between coastal states and the federal government can be lessened by amending the 1953 Submerged Lands Act to give coastal states a 12-mile territorial sea. For equitable...

Protecting the Reservation Environment Under the Coastal Zone Management Act
Current federal law and practice does not provide direction for the development of Indian tribal coastal zone management programs. The relationship between state, federal and tribal governments...

St. George Harbor?A Berm Breakwater Solution in Alaska's Bering Sea
The berm breakwater concept is based on the premise that locally available materials should be used in breakwater construction to the largest degree possible. By looking at failure dynamics...

Integrated Monolayer Flexible Revetment Technology for Coastal Protection
Fundamental considerations for flexible revetment design are given in some detail and the critical need for sound engineering in a total system design approach is strongly emphasized....

Nuclear Waste Dumping in the Ocean?Is It Over?
At the Ninth Consultative meeting of the London Dumping Convention (LDC) in September, 1985, the nations of the world voted to indefinitely continue a two year moratorium prohibiting the...

Ocean Incineration?A Burning Issue (With Emphasis on the Sea-Surface Microlayer)
Ocean incineration of hazardous wastes has been encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency. Many scientists as well as other citizens are concerned that potential impacts have not...

Ocean Incineration and the Coastal Zone
Despite over ten years of incinerating liquid hazardous wastes in the North Sea, the scientific community and the public continue to raise serious concerns about the effectiveness of this...

Marine Policy and the States
Increased conflict between the states and federal government over offshore activities, cuts in federal support for ocean programs, and the New Federalism rhetoric of the Reagan administration...

Comparing Coastal Spheres in Oregon and Washington
This paper introduces the concept of a 'coastal sphere' and illustrates its use by applying it to two such spheres located in the Pacific Northwest. A sphere...

Ocean Dumping at Akutan: Impact of Policy on Decisions
The role of policy in management decisions is often overlooked by the general public during the decision-making process because of the public's greater interest in the environmental...





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