Artificial Recharge of a Buried Glacial Aquifer in South Dakota
The Huron Project of the High Plains States Groundwater Demonstration Program was designed to artificially recharge a buried glacial aquifer in eastern South Dakota High flows from the...

Modeling Groundwater Response to a Perimeter Flood
A large industrial facility in the west of France was impacted by a flood in January 1995. Costs associated with the disruption in one week of production were estimated at $15E6 US. In...

Concept Ecology Integrated Project Engineering and Environment; Relating a Project to the Surroundings
The selected alignment of the 27.3 km long Veterans Expressway in Tampa, Florida was constructed for better access to the downtown area from a relatively rural but fast growing area of...

Wetland Mitigation Evaluation Ten Years After Florida Keys Bridge Replacement
From 1912 to 1935, the Florida Keys were connected to the mainland by Henry Flagler's Overseas Railroad. The 1935 Labor Day Hurricane destroyed most of the railroad from Plantation...

Risk Analysis of Drinking Water Treatment and Supply Facilities Handling Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Due to increasing public concern of risks from handling highly hazardous chemicals at various facilities, a number of state regulatory agencies, including the State of California, have...

Production of Nitrous Oxide Gas under Sequencing Batch Reactor System
N2O, like CO2, H2O, and CH6,...

Fluidized Bed Denitrification of Secondary Effluent during Wastewater Reclamation in Southern California
A pilot scale fluidized bed denitrification bioreactor was operated for a period of three years as one unit process in a series designed to repurify secondary effluent for subsequent indirect...

Optimal Geometric Shape of a Surface Aeration Tank
This paper presents the results of a laboratory investigation on three cross-sectional shapes?square, rectangular and circular of surface aeration tanks, without any baffles, to find out...

Evaluation of Modelling Needs for Central Valley Project Operations
The Bureau of Reclamations Central Valley Operations Office (CVO) has responsibility for planning, implementing, overseeing, and coordinating the various operations of the Central Valley...

Annual Delivery Decisions in the Simulation of the California State Water Project and Federal Central Valley Project using DWRSIM
This paper presents a new annual contractor delivery determination procedure for the California Department of Water Resources' State Water Project (SWP) and Central Valley...

Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Pool Irrigation Canal
This paper discusses the dynamic characteristics of an open multi-pool irrigation canal from robustness point of view. In particular, the presence of right-half plane zeros in an open...

System Downstream Control for On-Demand Irrigation Canals
A nonlinear programming (NLP) Model has been developed to assist downstream control for optimal control of canal systems, called system downstream control (SDC). The objective of system...

Genetic Algorithms for the Design of Groundwater Remediation Systems
The performance of genetic algorithms (GAs) to solve optimal aquifer remediation design problems is investigated. Some difficulties associated with GA models include premature convergence,...

Groundwater Remediation Design When Pretty Good is Good Enough
This paper introduces some new approaches toward the optimal design of groundwater remediation systems or any other engineered systems. These new approaches primarily consist of making...

Overview of Drought Response Strategies
An overview of drought response strategies in the United States is presented. The paper focuses on tactical strategies for mitigating the impacts of drought conditions. A general structure...

Drought Management in Northeastern Colorado
The Northern Colorado Water District (the District) has established a set of policies and procedures and constructed a water storage and distribution system that allows for the effective...

California's Response to Drought
A reliable water supply is essential in supporting our society. Past experience during droughts in California suggest that appropriate action must be consistent with the severity of the...

Non-point Source Policies for Agricultural Drainage
There is limited experience in regulating the water quality impacts of nonpoint source subsurface agricultural drainage discharges. Recent efforts in California to regulate selenium discharges...

Results of Field Evaluations of the New Modular Inclined Fish Diversion Screen
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has developed and biologically evaluated a new type of fish diversion screen known as the Modular Inclined Screen (MIS). The MIS is designed...

Water Conservation Definitions From a Hydrologic Viewpoint
The definition of water management principles needed to satisfy societys water use objectives requires the use of terms and definitions that clearly describe the effects of various water...





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