Characterization of the Dalton Highway Foundation Soils
A case study is presented of the landform-based probabilistic-statistical route geotechnical characterization of natural foundation soils along the Dalton Highway. Landforms were mapped...

Wastewater Plant Cold Weather Operational Problems
A questionnaire survey was conducted at biological wastewater treatment facilities in northern New England. Problems associated with various unit processes, due to cold weather operations,...

Seismic Acceleration Maps for Oregon
To evaluate the seismic hazard for the Corps dams in the Portland District, operating basis earthquakes (OBE) and maximum credible earthquakes (MCE) were established for seismic zones...

Soil Quality Testing in Ports: Why?
The Port of Seattle has instituted an agency-wide environmental protection guidelines which include the option to prepare site histories and perform chemical screening of soils prior to...

Modern Inspection Techniques n Port Maintenance
This paper addresses inspection of underwater structure of port facilities to acquire information which, when subjected to engineering analysis and confirmation, allows planning of short...

Rehabilitation of Wharf No. 8?Port of Houston
A routine inspection of wharves at the Turning Basin Terminal, uncovered evidence of extensive damage, including evidence that the 30-inch diameter steel pipe piles supporting Wharf No....

CAD Mapping Trailblazer
Until three years ago, few civil/surveying firms had automated both surveying (including digital recording of angles and distances shot in the field) and the related design and drafting....

Rehabilitation of Blackfoot Dam In-Situ Testing and Analysis
The dam was constructed in 1909 and was recently found to require rehabilitation to enlarge the spillway and improve embankment stability against the large earthquake potential in the...

Parameter Optimization of Dynamic Routing Models
The methodology utilizes approximate cross-sectional properties represented by separate power functions for channel and floodplain, and a very efficient optimization algorithm for determining...

Stormwater Management in Kansas
This paper evaluates the current stormwater management practices of Kansas cities. This evaluation is based on a survey of all Kansas cities with populations over 10,000. Issues examined...

New Developments in HEC Programs for Flood Control
Since the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) started in 1964, the evolution has been toward packaged programs that perform a variety of computation options. Two examples are the flood...

DAST100: A Powerful Structural Analysis Program for Micro-Computers
The advent of micro-processor revolution encouraged the growth of powerful large size programs for micro-computers during the last few years. Purpose of this paper is to introduce one...

Urban Stormwater - Quality Investigations by the USGS
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) urban stormwater investigations, in cooperation with local and Federal agencies, have produced significant national data bases of information and enhanced...

A Profession Peers at Itself
An increasing number of firms are inviting their competitors to come in and survey the way they do business. Peer reviews cover all aspects of a firm's management, from record...

National Urban Transportation Planning Trends and Implications
This paper explores urban transportation planning, program, and policy trends of the 1980s. Legislative and regulatory changes are also addressed. Among the planning trends discussed are...

Rationalizing Land Records, Mapping, Planning
The way land records are kept and used in cities and counties is outmoded. The same is true for base mapping and land use planning. The computer is helping streamline all three, as is...

Orthophotoquad Mapping Program for Alaska
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the lead civilian mapping agency in the United States and is responsible for creating and maintaining numerous map series. In Alaska the standard...

The Prudency Management Audit: A New Challenge for the Civil Engineer
The Nuclear Industry, particularly utilities and their constructor, engineering and vendor agents, is faced with a surging increase in Prudency Management Audits. Such Audits are often...

Santa Barbara Hydrograph with Green-Ampt Infiltration
Numerous models are available to estimate rainfall-induced runoff from watersheds. The leading criteria in model selection is often reproducibility. Models that are reproducible are often...

The Improved SCS TR-20 Network Watershed Model
SCS Technical Release 20, 'Computer Program for Project Formulation - Hydrology' (TR-20), has been revised. Major revisions include new procedures for hydrograph...





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