Discrete Feature Modelling at the Stripa Mine in Sweden: Significance for Hydrologic Modelling of Fractured Rock Masses
The third and final phase of the Stripa Project included a series of characterization efforts, predictions, and validations to determine the viability of discrete-fracture groundwater...

Scenario Development for Performance Assessment?Some Questions for the Near-Field Modelers
In an attempt to achieve completeness and consistency, the performance-assessment analyses developed by the Yucca Mountain Project are tied to scenarios described in event trees. Development...

Hydrogeochemical Site Investigations by Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Finland
Groundwater samples collected from cored boreholes (500-1000 m), borehole wells and multilevel piezometers in crystalline bedrock have been characterized and classified. The reference...

Organic Carbon Input in Shallow Groundwater at ?SP?, Southeastern Sweden
The variation in carbon and oxygen isotopes in calcite fissure fillings and dissolved carbonate from shallow groundwaters has been examined at Aspo, southeastern Sweden. The shallow water...

The Role of Fault Zone in Affecting Multiphase Flow at Yucca Mountain
Within Yucca Mountain, the potential High Level Nuclear-Waste Repository site, there are large scale fault zones, most notably the Ghost Dance Fault. The effect of such high-permeability,...

Discontinuities, Rock Deformation and Fluid Flow Around Emplacement Rooms
One of the major concerns for the design of the potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain is how to identify the fast flow paths and how to minimize the flow of the fast paths....

Sensitivity and Probabilistic Analyses of Ground Water Travel Time in a Fractured and Variably-Saturated Geologic Medium
This paper presents a method for sensitivity and probabilistic analyses of performance of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository located in a layered, fractured, and variably-saturated...

Progress on the U.S. Department of Energy's Issue Resolution Process: A Status Report
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is studying Yucca Mountain, Nevada, to determine its suitability for a mined geologic repository for high-level nuclear waste. In addition to identifying,...

The Best of Both Worlds: Integrating Statistical and Deterministic Approaches to Area Remediation
We seek a complete framework for adaptive area characterization for purposes of remediation, incorporating both statistical and deterministic features. This hybrid methodology involves...

A Comparison of Geostatistically-Based Inverse Techniques for Use in Performance Assessment Analyses at the WIPP Site?Results from Test Case No. 1
The groundwater flow pathway in the Culebra Dolomite aquifer at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) has been identified as a potentially important pathway for radionuclide migration...

Recent Developments in Stochastic Modeling and Upscaling of Hydrologic Properties in Tuff
A set of detailed geostatistical simulations of porosity has been produced for a layered stratigraphic sequence of welded and non-welded volcanic tuffs at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The simulations...

Stochastic Simulation of Mass Transport in Heterogeneous Formations Using Hard and Soft Conductivity Data
The mass transport in a synthetic 2-D heterogeneous formation is simulated through the Monte-Carlo method using continuum approach. The simulated hydraulic conductivity field are generated...

Significance of Geochemical Characterization to Performance at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The U.S. concept for permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste resembles those of other countries in that it relies upon burial in a deep geologic medium. This concept relies...

Radionuclide Solubility and Speciation Studies for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A., is being investigated for its suitability as a potential site for a geologic nuclear waste repository. As part of the site characterization studies, actinide...

Neptunium Retardation with Tuffs and Groundwaters from Yucca Mountain
The retardation of neptunium was studied using batch sorption and column techniques. Pure mineral separates, tuffs and groundwaters from Yucca Mountain were used for these experiments....

Dependence of Radionuclide Sorption on Sample Grinding Surface Area, and Water Composition
Experiments are described that were designed to quantify the dependence of sorption properties and surface area on the crushed-particle size of the rock samples used in batch sorption...

Surface Complexation Model Prediction of Np and Pu Distribution Coefficients
Robust estimates of radionuclide sorption coefficients (Kd) are needed to estimate radionuclide retardation during ground-water transport from a...

Summary of Revised Potentiometric-Surface Map for Yucca Mountain and Vicinity, Nevada
The revised map for the potentiometric surface of the uppermost saturated zone in Tertiary volcanic rocks at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is based mainly on 1988 water levels. Refinement of...

Isotopic Evidence of Complex Ground-Water Flow at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA
Strontium isotopes (expressed as per mill deviation from mean sea water, ?87Sr) reflect interaction between ground water and the aquifer through...

??4U/??8U as a Ground-Water Tracer, SW Nevada-SE California
The 234U/238U ratio of uranium in oxidizing ground waters is potentially an excellent ground-water tracer...





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