Overtopping Protection for A. R. Bowman Dam
Arthur R. Bowman Dam is a 245-foot-high (74.7-m) central-core rockfill dam located on the Crooked River in central Oregon. The probable maximum flood (PMF) would overtop the dam by 20...

Hatchie River and Schoharie Creek Bridge Failures
Within a 2-year period two large bridges collapsed into flooded rivers resulting in a total of 18 people plunging to their deaths. Both bridges had been inspected by probing, but had not...

A National Bridge Scour Data Collection Program
A study to collect and analyze field measurements of bridge scour is being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The primary objective...

TABS-2 Application to Kawainui Marsh Flood Control
The TABS-2 mathematical modeling system was used to evaluate the effectiveness of alternatives designed to eliminate flooding problems in the Kawainui Marsh located in Kailua on the east...

Application of Appropriate Technology in Hydroelectric Project Rehabilitation
Many older dams are in need of rehabilitation as a result of aging, deterioration, and more stringent safety standards. A primary concern is spillway and stability inadequacies resulting...

Flood Control Design for Development on Alluvial Fans
Hydrology, debris production, sediment transport and hydraulic studies were conducted to provide flood control for a development within an alluvial fan floodplain. Innovative techniques...

Application of a Generalized Risk Dynamic Model to a Spillway Design Flood
Risk analysis can provide a logical basis for selecting the optimal design capacity of a flow conveyance hydraulic structure for the least total cost or specified non-exceeding risk levels....

McClure Park: A Multi-Purpose Off-Stream Storage Facility for Tulsa, Oklahoma
The City of Tulsa is in the process of implementing a flood control plan for the 61 square-mile (158 km2) Mingo Creek watershed. The federally-assisted...

Influence of Wetlands on Streamflow in Illinois
Streamflow records from 30 gaging stations in Illinois were analyzed to assess the influence of wetlands on streamflow. The objective of this research was to determine if streamflow parameters...

Reliability Assessment Method for Flood Forecasts
Peak discharge predictions produced by rainfall-runoff models and used by flood warning and preparedness agencies are subject to uncertainties in the input data, model parameters, and...

Routing for Lake and Tidal Canal Drainage System
A routing method is presented for lake and tidal canal interconnected drainage system in coastal urban areas. Combing reservoir routing, channel routing, and discharge computation of the...

Verification of WASURO Using the Puerto Nuevo Physical Model Study Results
The Jacksonville District, US Army Corps of Engineers, used the hydraulic design computer modeling program, WASURO, for preliminary design of the Rio Puerto Nuevo Flood Control System....

Detention Basin Design to Control Flood Volumes
A desk-top method is presented for hydraulic design of detention basins. The main objective is to control the flood volume rather than the peak discharge. The method is based on the pre-determined...

Channel Routing Effects on Unit Hydrograph Shape
Channel routing effects on hydrograph shape and the interpretation of downstream unit hydrographs are examined. A new dimensionless routing parameter is presented....

Sedimentation Aspects of Floodplain Management
This paper presents sedimentation aspects of a recent disastrous flood that occurred during September 10-12 1990 in the Han River basin, a central part of the Korean peninsula. The flood...

State and Local Issues in Transportation of Hazardous Waste Materials
Towards a National Strategy
This proceedings contains papers presented at the specialty conference State and Local Issues in Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Towards a National Strategy held on May 14-16, 1990...

Yazoo River Basin a New Direction for the Corps
The paper presents the lessons learned from the past events in the Yazoo Basin. The Yazoo Basin project is the only mechanism available that can provide the flood control that is needed...

Heavy Traffic Control Measurement Techniques and Control Strategies
Advanced technologies for traffic detection for freeway control systems are described. mm-wave radar detectors are used with a correlation of vehicle reflexion patterns to acquire section...

Routing Based on Anticipated Travel Times
The routing of drivers based on anticipated as well as instantaneous link travel times has presented route guidance system developers with an opportunity to achieve additional IVHS benefits...

The Contribution of Dynamic Route Guidance and Information Systems to More Efficient Traffic Management
The environmental and traffic-related problems expected as a result of the continued increase in motorization require new solutions if our towns and cities are to survive and their attractiveness...





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