The City of Los Angeles Gray Water Pilot Project Shows Safe Use of Gray Water is Possible
A year-long study of eight residential gray water systems was conducted in the City of Los Angeles. Soils irrigated with gray water were compared monthly with soils irrigated with municipal...

Bellingham Frozen Foods Spray Irrigation System Operations
Bellingham Frozen Foods is a major vegetable processor located in northwestern Washington state. During the mid-1980's, the city of Bellingham began to upgrade the treatment of wastewater....

Implementing a Watershed Plan for Lake Stevens
The water quality of Lake Stevens is declining because of watershed nonpoint pollution and cycling of nutrients from lake sediments. Hypolimnetic aeration and an alum treatment are proposed...

Design of Aquatic Treatment Systems
This paper describes the design parameters and operating procedures used for a nonpoint pollution/stormwater treatment facility known as an Aquatic Treatment System to be located in the...

Storage/Treatment Isoquants for CSO Control Planning
A quantitative procedure which identifies the technically efficient combinations of storage volume and treatment rate necessary to achieve various levels of combined sewer overflows (CSO)...

The Kettering Community Demonstration Project Non-Point Pollution Control and Environmental Enhancement Program
With the advent of the U.S. EPA's municipal/ industrial NPDES and Coastal Zone Management programs the development of effective non-point pollution control programs has become the most...

Storm Water Management in the Greater New Orleans Area
Two parishes, Orleans and Jefferson, located within the Greater New Orleans area have been identified by EPA as urbanized areas requiring storm water permits. Storm water management has...

Case Study: Storm Water Analysis of Manatee Pocket in Martin County, Florida
storm water pollutant loading rates from a 6,000 acre urban watershed were analyzed for source determination of contamination to the receiving water. The receiving water body, Manatee...

A Work Packaging Process Model for Petrochemical Plant Piping Construction
This paper presents a model for the current work packaging process for petrochemical plant piping construction. The basic foundation of the model is formed by identifying major decision...

Emergency Response Team Siting for HLRW Movements
The shipment of high-level radioactive waste to treatment plants, storage facilities, and repositories is an activity of major national concern. This paper presents a multi-objective methodology...

The Design and Installation of a Distributed Controls System at the Bissell Point Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study
The Bissell Point Wastewater Treatment Plant is undergoing a $210 million dollar change, which includes a new Distributed Controls System (DCS). The new DCS is being installed in phases...

Fit to Drink
Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) in 1986 greatly expanded the number of contaminants subject to regulation and significantly beefed up water quality treatment and monitoring...

Invasion of the Zebra Mussels
At first glance, the zebra mussel looked like doom for freshwater users in the Great Lakes: small, hardy, incredibly prolific European mollusks with an affection for freshwater intakes...

Temporal Trends of Chemical Contamination at NS&T Sites
Recent temporal trends in concentrations of ten trace elements (Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn) and of five groups of organic compounds (butyltins, tDDT, tCdande, tPCB, and...

Results from Minerals Management Service Funded Oil Spill Response Research 1991-1993
Large oil spills from tankers have reaffirmed the need for continuing technology assessment and research to improve oil spill response capabilities. This paper discusses Minerals Management...

Recovery of Shoreline Ecosystems Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and Subsequent Treatment
High-pressure, hot-water washing was evaluated as one of several countermeasures for cleaning oiled shorelines. This was the primary treatment method for nearly all treated shorelines...

Effects of Estuarine Habitat Quality on Juvenile Salmon: I. Chemical Contaminant Exposure and II. Altered Growth and Immune Function
Some urban estuaries on the west coast of the US are important habitats for several species of juvenile salmon and receive multiple stresses from human activities. Because these estuaries...

Traffic and Lead Pollution on Lake Maracaibo's Western Coast
This project focused on Nerium Oleander (NO) (Berberia), an ornamental plant. Chemical analyses (acid digestion and atomic absorption spectrophotometry) of the plant's tissue and the soil...

NOAA, Bioassessment Techniques and the Superfund Process
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) assessments of SUperfund sites require an evaluation of whether contaminants are present in an aquatic environment of concern,...

Contaminant Trends in the Southern California Bight: The Coast is Cleaner
Data from local, regional and federal coastal monitoring programs were used to assess long-term trends and spatial extent of chemical contamination in sediments, shellfish, and fish of...





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