Two Principles for Data Based Probabilistic System Analysis
A major problem in probabilistic system analysis is to find a self-consistent method of inference about probabilities based on a random sample of system state variables. Such a method...

The Extremes of Combinations of Environmental Loads
The objectives and the general approach of an offshore environmental data and extremal analysis are described. The intention is to develop long-term design values of wave, wind and current...

Statistical Analysis of Australian Ground Snow Loads
This paper is concerned with the statistical analysis of snow data from the alpine areas of southeastern Australia (above 1200 m). In these areas, the local variation is large and contour...

Analysis of Bridge Maintenance and Rating Procedures
In the United States, bridges are routinely rated to evaluate their existing conditions. The formula used to evaluate bridges is called the Sufficiency Rating Formula. The formula uses...

Bayesian Reliability Analysis of Structures with Multiple Components
This study develops a method of Bayesian reliability analysis to establish an optimal inspection schedule of structures with multiple components using the data collected during inservice...

Design Method Satisfying Safety Requirements for Various Limit-States Based on Information Integration Method
This paper discusses the applicability of the information integration method to optimum design of structures and the advantages of the above optimum structural design method over other...

Monitoring Vibration
Vibration monitoring for construction projects is increasing rapidly. Instrumentation for measuring structural response to blasting began in the mining industry with research by the U.S....

Incorporating Seismotectonic Data into Seismic Hazard Analyses
A wide range of seismotectonic data are now being incorporated into probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, supplementing the inadequately short historical seismicity record. This paper...

Technical Considerations and Approcah for Evaluating Substantially Complete Containment of High-Level Nuclear Waste
The current Federal Regulations, Title 10 Part 60.113(a)(1)(i)(A) require that, for at least 300 years, nuclear waste containment within a waste package shall be substantially complete....

Permeability and Dispersivity of Variable-Aperture Fracture Systems
A number of recent experiments have pointed out the need of including the effects of aperture variation within each fracture in predicting flow and transport properties of fractured media....

Site Specific Geologic Interpretations of Richton Salt Dome
There have been numerous investigations into the geological and hydrological aspects of the Richton Salt Dome area since its selection as a preferred site for a nuclear waste repository....

Environments of the Last 50,000 Years in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Central-Southern Nevada
Located within the southern hydrographic Great Basin, the Nevada Test Site lies astride the transition between the Mojave Desert to the south and the Great Basin Desert to the north. Fossil...

Data Quality Assurance Controls Through the WIPP in Situ Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Management System
Assurance of data quality for the in situ tests fielded at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is of critical importance. These tests supply the information for development and verification...

Man-Made Debris Environment Characterization for Spacecraft Vulnerability Assessment
An issue of growing importance in the study of orbital debris is the need to understand the consequence of impact on a space structure. In this paper, a technique is developed to analyze...

Global Problems: Implementing Mission to Planet Earth
Serious global environmental problems are facing our generation on Earth. The decrease in ozone concentrations and the greenhouse effect have implications for all life forms on the planet....

Application of Statistical Distribution Theory to Launch-on-Time for Space Construction Logistic Support
The Center for Space Construction (CSC) has acquired historical launch vehicle data for analyzing space launch vehicle logistic support of space construction. This analysis will include...

The Selection of Constructors for Space Construction
The process of space construction is defined by the construction goal and by the construction system selected to accomplish that goal. The goal provides the tasks that must be executed,...

Estimating the Energy Rate Function for Hydro Power Production Optimization
Operations planning at Manitoba Hydro is aided by using the Energy Management and Maintenance Analysis (EMMA) computer program. EMMA is a Linear Programming (LP) based model with the objective...

The Present of GIS
A review of geographic information systems (GIS) as a spatial database is presented. Computer aided design and relational database features of GIS are explained, as well as possible types...

GIS In Water Resources in the Year 2000
This paper presents a look at what the geographic information system (GIS) technology, as applied to water resources, may look like in the year 2000. It presents a description of what...





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