The Regulation of Private Waterside Development
To implement their Coastal Zone Management and Local Waterfront Revitalization Plans, towns and villages in the State of New York have been encouraged by the State to develop Harbor Management...

Public Access and Waterfront Redevelopment?Making it Happen
Once an abandoned, industrial wasteland and now a recreational showcase, the Ruston Way waterfront is one of Tacoma's premiere attractions. The successful revitalization is...

Urban Waterfront Zoning: Using CZM Goals to Encourage Revitalization
New York City has historically been a major port and waterfront industrial city. With changes in freight shipping and industrial development, much of the waterfront is no longer needed...

The Location Study for Sea City as Residential Quarters
The objective of this study is to understand the spatial expansion created by community activities in the urban community, as a prior stage to calculate the off-shore distance in the location...

Maryland's Critical Area Program: Saving the Bay
Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Program (also referred to as the Critical Area Law, Subtitle 18 of the Natural Resources Article, Sections 8-1801 through...

Marine Safety, the Marine Environment, and MSIS
The Marine Safety Information System (MSIS) serves as a management information system for the allocation of increasingly scarce coast guard (CG) resources. Its large, central data base...

The Oregon Coast Aquarium ? A Case Study
The Oregon Coast Aquarium, to be located in Newport, OR. , has been carefully developing over the past five years. Proposed as a coastal interpretive center, it will trace a water droplet...

Coastal Structures and Long Term Shore Migration
Marco Island is a barrier island located on Florida's Gulf coast. Using an aerial photo time series from 1926 to 1981, shoreline migration is examined. Since shore development...

Satellite-Tracked Buoy Activities in Saudi Arabia
During the pollution threat on the Gulf caused by the collapse of the NOWRUZ oil field well in February 1983, the Meteorology and Environmental Administration (MEPA) established an Oil...

Federal-State Conflicts & A 12-Mile Territorial Sea
The growing tension between coastal states and the federal government can be lessened by amending the 1953 Submerged Lands Act to give coastal states a 12-mile territorial sea. For equitable...

Recent Legal Developments under the Coastal Zone Management Act
The experiment in federal-state cooperation for management of the area known as the coastal zone is generally working well fifteen years after the enactment of the Coastal Zone Management...

The Life Cycle of a CERC: 1963-1983
Anticipating new opportunities in the coastal zone and convinced that basic research would be the means to secure them, in 1963 the United States Army Corps of Engineers created an independent...

St. George Harbor?A Berm Breakwater Solution in Alaska's Bering Sea
The berm breakwater concept is based on the premise that locally available materials should be used in breakwater construction to the largest degree possible. By looking at failure dynamics...

Nuclear Waste Dumping in the Ocean?Is It Over?
At the Ninth Consultative meeting of the London Dumping Convention (LDC) in September, 1985, the nations of the world voted to indefinitely continue a two year moratorium prohibiting the...

Ocean Incineration?A Burning Issue (With Emphasis on the Sea-Surface Microlayer)
Ocean incineration of hazardous wastes has been encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency. Many scientists as well as other citizens are concerned that potential impacts have not...

Ocean Incineration and the Coastal Zone
Despite over ten years of incinerating liquid hazardous wastes in the North Sea, the scientific community and the public continue to raise serious concerns about the effectiveness of this...

Waste Disposal in Coastal Waters
The increasing concentration of population and industry on coastal areas, is making greater demands for coastal disposal. However, the coastal waters are also used for recreation, and...

Should We Use the Open Ocean to Ease Pressure on the Coastal Zone?
This paper proposes a framework for analysis of issues arising from the prospect of deep-ocean dumping of wastes. While it takes no stand on the issues themselves, it examines the motives...

Combating Coastal Pollution in Ghana
Studies conducted along the Gulf of Guinea in Ghana have shown that the coastal environment in some places is polluted. Efforts made to combat this problem have so far not been effective...

Resolving Marine Pollution Data and Information Needs with a Federal Network
Coastal zone managers and decision makers continue to show a need for timely data and information products to support their decisions on coastal matters, whether they be environmental,...





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