Effects of Semi-Impoundment on Fish and Crustacean Nursery Use: Evaluation of a Solution
Semi-impoundment of the marsh is one of the primary 'solutions' currently recommended to combat coastal marsh erosion, and also to improve habitat for waterfowl,...

Perceiving Toxic Chemicals in Fishing Environments
The perception of toxic chemicals in the fishing environments by anglers was examined in Kansas and Michigan. The main findings of the study were: 1) There appears to be a small, but significant...

Co-Existence of Oil and Commercial Fishing Industries: Methods of Resolving Potential Conflicts
This paper describes efforts to resolve potential operational conflicts between the oil and fishing industries in Alaska, specifically, the formation and activities of an organization...

Fish Histopathology and Contamination in California's Channel Islands
Ocean dumping of certain hazardous wastes took place at two dumpsites in the San Pedro Channel of the Southern California Bight from the 1940s through the 1960s. This included some 700...

A Regional Screening Method for Classifying Pollutant Status of Coastal Waters
A regional assessment method has been developed to classify estuaries on the basis of their pollution severity, enabling resource managers to prioritize clean-up and future research efforts....

A New Approach to Watershed Planning
Public and government concern over possible degradation of water quality and natural resources in the Hood Canal estuary has led to the creation of a unique intergovernment body, the Hood...

Resolving Permit Conflicts in Oregon's Coastal Zone
Oregon has a complex system of federal, state and local government agency planning and permitting in its coastal zone. The policies, standards and permits of these agencies frequently...

Multiple-Interest Problem Solving at Cascade Ranch
The State Coastal Conservancy successfully resolved a series of related coastal resource issues in the Cascade Ranch project in San Mateo County on the California coast. This project,...

State-Federal Gorda Ridge Task Force as a Conflict Resolution Mechanism
In 1983 the Minerals Management Service of the U. S. Department of the Interior proposed leasing of a large submerged area off Oregon and California for polymetallic sulfide mining. The...

Practical Application of Acoustic Doppler Profilers
This paper discusses the advantages and limitations of the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and it reviews some of the experience gained to date with the ADCP relevant to currents...

U.S. Coast Guard Experience with Wave Turbines
Since 1980 the United States Coast Guard has been developing a lighted buoy for exposed areas and congested harbor entrances. The buoy hardware is of conventional design while the signal...

A Comparison of California's Coastal Programs
California is the only state that has two distinct coastal management programs for two different geographic segments of the state's coastal zone, with each program administered...

An Assessment of the Soft Approach to CZM
During the early development of the national coastal zone management program there was no federal prescription with regard to how coastal states should proceed in establishing their programs...

California's Fourteen Years of Coastal Zone Management
California's Coastal Zone Management Program has been considered the flagship of the nation; yet large questions remain as to whether the program can protect California's...

Washington's CZMP?The First Shall be Last
Washington State was the first state to have its coastal zone program (WACZMP) approved in 1976 and has undergone the longest adaptation in its search for solutions to coastal problems....

Virginia's CZM Program
In September 1986, Virginia received federal approval of its coastal resources management plan. The plan utilizes a 'network' of existing regulatory programs...

Optimum State Strategies Regarding Oil and Gas Exploration and Development on the Outer Continental Shelf
In anticipation of the federal oil and gas lease initiative, the Washington Department of Ecology selected the consulting firm Cogan, Sharpe, Cogan of Portland, Oregon to conduct an OCS...

Can Alaskan Caribou and Oil Development Coexist?
The coastal area near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska is becoming increasingly industrialized as oil development continues. This same coastal area is an important area to a caribou herd known as the...

Caribou Mitigation in an Arctic Oilfield
The Kuparuk oilfield on the Arctic coastal plain of Alaska is in an area of traditional summer use by the Central Arctic Caribou Herd, who use it for calving, feeding, and insect relief....

An Evaluation of Habitat Use in Natural and Restored Tidal Marshes in San Francisco Bay, CA
Legislation mandating the protection and restoration of wetlands has led to numerous projects to reverse the trend of wetland loss in the San Francisco Bay region. While natural tidal...





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