Mathematical Modeling of River Ice Process
Computer modeling of flow and ice conditions in a river is an important element in the planning of water resources project in northern regions. River ice processes are closely related...

The Importance of Nonlinear Wave Interactions Under Ice
Waves under ice interact at the second order in wave slope. Because of this, a monochromatic wave train impinging on an ice sheet can transfer a significant amount of energy to its own...

Sensitivity of Model Choice in Reservoir Design
The Box-Jenkins method of model construction and tests of model adequacy and fit are applied to a reservoir design problem. The sensitivity of the stochastic models used to generate synthetic...

Stochastic Analysis and Modeling Levels of a Land-Locked Lake for Resource Development
Lakes are valuable natural resources that can be tapped for recreational, agricultural and other extensive lake side developments. Natural variability of lake levels is an important factor...

Kinematic Shock: A Sensitivity Analysis
A series of numerical experiments is performed to determine the flow and channel characteristics that are most conducive to kinematic wave steepening and associated shock phenomena. A...

Plastic and Other Limit State Methods for Design Evaluation
These proceedings consist of seven papers dealing with the topic of the design of complex structures using limit state methods. The emphasis is on the role of plastic or limit load techniques....

Computer Aided Design in Civil Engineering
Increased application of computer aided design and drafting encouraged the organization of the symposium from which this book was derived. The papers presented at the symposium and included...

Electronic Traffic Management
High technology has entered the world of traffic and transportation management with such new optical and electronic devices as transponders, retro-reflective stickers, microprocessors,...

Light Rail Gains New Momentum
Light rail, which evolved from the old trolley lines, is staging a comeback in U.S. cities. Light rail is a fixed guideway, operator controlled system, offering an alternative to heavy...

Building on Air
Copley Place, a $500 million hotel/retail/office/residential complex, was built on air rights over the Massachusetts Turnpike and an adjacent railroad in Boston. Two hotels occupy land...

Highway Capacity Manual Revisited
The forthcoming third edition of this manual of highway and traffic engineering, due in 1985, will significantly change how highway capacity is analyzed. Of the edition's...

Organizational Adaptation to Small Computers
The organizational changes associated with the introduction of mini- and micro-computers into firms in the construction industry is addressed in this paper. A review of the general management...

Working Abroad? What About Taxes?
Highlights of the 1981 Tax Act are explained. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 was intended to simplify the calculations required to arrive at taxable income both for citizens abroad...

Electronic Computation
Dramatic changes have occurred in computer-aided structural engineering during the past 25 years. Computers have evolved from large, slow processors with little available storage to fast...

Evaluating CADD Systems
This article presents and explains numerous functional characteristics and features that computer-aided design and drafting systems should possess in order to be useful, productive tools...

Analyzing Infrastructure Condition�A Practical Approach
New York City and Philadelphia are using a new method of analyzing existing data to develop sensible, economical water main replacement programs. By analyzing readily available data on...

A New Panama Canal?
The Panama Canal is expected to be obsolete by the end of the century. Already there are serious problems with ship traffic through the Canal: volume of traffic is down, average transit...

A Rapid Method of Computing Geometric Relations in Structural Analysis
A rapid method of computing geometric relations in structural analysis is presented. The method is shorter than usual methods, in many cases, and can often produce a result in one step....

Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics and Their Impact on Civil Engineering Practice
The emphasis of these proceedings is on contributions and advances in the areas of solid and fluid mechanics that advance civil engineering practice. The main topic considered are, computers...

Peachtree Center Station is the only mined transit station in the U.S. using reinforced native rock for permanent support. The station, serving some 34,000 patrons a day, is the largest...





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