Generation of Multiple Tier Instream Flow Requirements
Multiple tier scaling of instream flow requirements based on available water supply and reservoir storage state is proposed as a means of generating instream flow regimes. Rules for variable...

Agricultural Salinity?Nature, Extent & Concerns
This paper presents an overview on the nature, extent and concerns of agricultural salinity problems. The problem of salinity has extended beyond the farmlands, and the practice of saline...

Effects of Salts on Soils and Plants
Salinity is a major constraint to crop production in many irrigated lands of the world. Management practices are needed for the control of soil and water salinity. The development of appropriate...

Root Zone Salinity Control?Leaching Fraction, Spatial Variability
This paper gives an overview of three chapters that are contained in a new ASCE manual called Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management Manual. Chapter 9 is entitled Field Sampling...

Water Quality Criteria for Irrigation
An assessment of irrigation water quality for the concentration of inorganic constituents should consider crop sensitivities, soil properties, such as hydraulic conductivity, reactions...

Land Reclamation and Drainage Water Reuse
This paper presents a brief overview of two chapters appearing in 'Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management Manual', K. Tanji, Edit., Irrigation and Drainage...

Irrigation and Drainage Practices
Salinity causes many problems in agriculture, by lowering production or requiring more intensive management on farms, or by degrading off-farm soils and waters. This paper describes causes...

Treatment and Disposal Options
Viable treatment and disposal alternatives which can meet stringent environmental regulations and at affordable cost to the agricultural economy present formidable problems. Treatment...

Institutional, Environmental and Legal Issues
An evaluation of the subsurface agricultural drainage problems occurring on prime agricultural land on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley of California offers an insight into the...

Irrigation Agriculture: Is it Sustainable?
Irrigation in (semi-) arid climates can be managed in such a way that it can be sustained indefinitely. Salination can be avoided by providing adequate drainage. Drainage, however, exacts...

In Situ Measurement of Preferential Flow
An experiment was performed that quantifies the variability of flow paths in the vadoze zone. Bromide tracer and an organic dye, which has many of the same transport characteristics as...

Cokriging for Evaluating Agricultural Pollution
Subsurface drainage data from irrigated lands near Twin Falls, Idaho were used. Total Dissolved Solids and NO3-N were selected as variables. The...

Sensitivity of Non-Point Source Models to Net Rainfall
A sensitivity analysis of the ANSWERS model was conducted to explore the possible impact on model outputs of discretizing rainfall input data into short time increments of various durations....

Training Water Delivery System Operators with Simulators
A graphical display training simulator has been developed on a microcomputer to mimic the operation of a multi-reservoir water delivery system. The simulator functions as a training device...

Managing Water Shortage by Regional Cooperation and Conservation
In the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area, water emergencies becoming more frequent events because of increases in water demand and lack of new supply additions. The water supply problem...

Southeastern Drought of 1988?A Federal Perspective
The drought that has plagued the Southeastern United States for most of the 1980's is continuing in two major river basins within the geographic boundaries of the South Atlantic...

Water Management for the Future?State Perspective
The State of Georgia-Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has managed the quality of the waters of Georgia since the early 1970's. Today, the main focus of water issues...

Savannah River Basin Drought Contingency Planning
Beginning in 1986, and continuing through the present time, the worst drought in recent history created severe water shortage conditions over extensive areas of the southeastern United...

A Multivariate Analysis of Stillwater Lakes, Nevada
Stillwater Lakes located in western Nevada has been experiencing an astounding number of fish and waterfowl deaths since August 1986. This problem is explored through a multivariate statistical...

Behavior of Total Zinc in the Similkameen River
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to: develop equations that summarize the relationship between total zinc and a set of water quality characteristics measured in the Similkameen...





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