Coastal Habitat Protection in New York State
New York State's Coastal Management Program includes a specific policy for the protection of fish and wildlife habitats that are determined to be of statewide significance....

Oilfield Development vs. Waterfowl in Arctic Alaska (abstract)
The newest oilfield in Alaska is the Lisburne field under development by ARCO Alaska, Inc. , Standard Alaska Production, and Exxon. The Lisburne field is completely surrounded by the older...

California Coastal Literature Inventory System
As part of the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study the Army Corps of Engineers developed a microcomputer database of over 2300 coastal references for California. This menu...

Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects Results to Date
In 1981, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers initiated a program of monitoring coastal projects. Called the Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects (MCCP) Program, its purpose is to aid in...

South Carolina Coastal Council Beach Monitoring Program
The South Carolina coast was divided into three sections by general morphologic features. Beaches were then inventoried, measured and assigned priorities based on degree of development,...

Chronic Marine Pollution: A Maine Case Study
The State of Maine has adopted the concept of cumulative impact in assessing the environmental impact of coastal development projects and resulting discharges to coastal waters. In the...

Research and Monitoring Criteria Development for Florida's New Statewide Beach Restoration Initiative
A recent decision by the State of Florida to develop a Comprehensive Beach Management Program has lead to the recognition of an immediate need to establish research and monitoring criteria...

Barbers Point, Oahu, Hawaii Deep Draft Harbor Monitoring Program
The deep draft harbor at Barbers Point, Oahu, Hawaii is located on the south side of the island. The 92 acre harbor basin is a product of over 25 years of planning and engineering. The...

Monitoring of Water Quality During I-664 Dredging
Construction of Interstate Highway I-664 across Hampton Roads involves extensive underwater work and consequent risk of lowered water quality. This paper described field monitoring procedures...

New Jersey: The Search for a Stable Shore Protection Funding Source
The search for a stable shore protection funding source in New Jersey has been an unbelievably long and frustrating affair. This paper discusses the subject in terms of various proposals,...

The Effect of Erosion Upon Coastal Property Values
The effect of long-term severe erosion upon coastal property values is tested at a site along the Pacific Coast of Washington State. Statistical analysis of mean sales values suggests...

Trends in Funding and Ties to Solutions in Florida
The most prevalent type of grant projects funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through the Florida Coastal Management Program were management-related plans....

The Nushagak-Mulchatna Rivers Recreation Study
The Nushagak/Mulchatna River drainage was one of two geographical areas identified in the Bristol Bay Coastal Management Program as meeting the criteria for placing a specific area under...

Evaluation of Sand-Filled Containers for Beach Erosion Control: an Update of the Technology
The use of large, sand-filled geotextile containers for coastal erosion protection has increased along Florida's ocean shorelines over the past five years. Technological advances...

A Comparative Framework for Understanding Estuary Governance: Theory and Examples
The University of Rhode Island is conducting a three-year interdisciplinary study funded by Sea Grant to describe and compare the conditions, uses and experience of governance in four...

Risky Waters
Risk assessment is a tool engineers use to clarify the impact and issues associated with various choices and perspectives. Because problems and projects related to water have such a significant...

Offsite Habitat Mitigation Banking: The Port of Long Beach Experience
Since 1981, the Port of Long Beach has been involved in developing and constructing habitat enhancement projects outside of the Port's jurisdiction as mitigation for port...

Major Offsite Mitigation: Batiquitos Lagoon
This paper discusses the general characteristics of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project near Carlsbad, California, which will provide mitigation for a pipeline project in San Pedro...

Texas Coastal Mitigation: A Planning Approach
The Texas General Land Office manages 3. 5 million acres of submerged state-owned land in the bays and Gulf of Mexico. In granting permits, the agency always attempts to prevent damage...

Arctic Wetland Losses: When Should Compensation be Required?
The paper discusses problems facing biological impact assessment and mitigation planning for petroleum exploration and oilfield development on the Arctic Coastal Plain or North Slope of...





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