Disinfection of Wastewater Effluents with Electron Radiation
A full scale electron irradiation unit is being tested at the Virginia Key Wastewater Treatment Plant in Miami, Florida. On-going experimentation is evaluating the use of high energy electrons...

Evaluation and Selection of RBC Models for Design of Domestic Wastewater Facilities
This study evaluated three existing models commonly used for the design of Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC). Operating data from six RBC Treatment Plants located in eastern Massachusetts...

Composting Works for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants
The City of Cooper City, Florida, faced with the undesirable position of relying on outside contractors for sludge disposal needs, undertook the task of developing a self-sufficient sludge...

Experimental Study of Windrow Composting of Sludge
An experimental field study of the windrow composition of sludge at the City of Dallas, Texas, Southside Waste Water Treatment Plant was conducted to provide data for possible design of...

Design of Solidified/Stabilized Sludge Landfills
Rehabilitation of highly moist, compressible, and heavy metal-containing wastewater treatment sludges for final disposal in a landfill setting requires consideration of several factors....

Quantitative Dye-Tracing of Karst Ground-Water Flow
Analysis of the results of repeat quantitative dye traces between a sinkhole and a spring used for public water supply were used to describe predictive relations between discharge, mean...

NAPL and Contaminant Transport in the Soil Matrix
A one-dimensional multiphase mass transport model for the migration of a Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) containing sparingly water soluble organics in the unsaturated soil zone is described....

Sediment Processes and the Houston Ship Channel
A year-long field and laboratory study of sediment oxygen demand was conducted on the Houston Ship Channel. The primary objective of the work was to better understand the processes controlling...

The Distribution of PCB Contaminated Sediment in the Kalamazoo River Valley, Michigan
Heightened environmental awareness beginning in the 1970s focused upon lowering contaminant levels in the Kalamazoo River system through the improvement of water quality. The Michigan...

Surface Water Particles: Coagulation and Sorption
A size-dependent particle and particle-associated contaminant transport and fate model is presented. The unsteady, two-dimensional model couples the water column and bed and enables analysis...

Trio of Microcomputer Models for Organic Chemical Transport in Rivers
Three microcomputer models have been jointly developed to provide tools to simulate the fate of organic chemicals in river systems. The three models offer a range of complexities and data...

Effect of Flow Conditions on Stream Reaeration Coefficients
Contrary to the findings of previous studies of channel-controlled stream reaches, it was found that, in four reaches of a small stream characterized by a series of pools and riffles,...

Mathematical Modeling of Compressible Cake Filtration
A numerical and analytical model of cake filtration was derived from liquid and solid continuity and momentum equations. Constitutive relationships describing porosity as functions of...

Water Oxidation of Sludges and Toxic Wastes
Waste treatment technologies such as subcritical and supercritical water oxidation processes offer innovative alternatives to vexing sludge and toxic wastewater treatment problems. This...

Estimation of Infiltration Rates from a Landfill
The Landfill Source Model (LSM) provides a physically-based, computationally efficient estimate of leachate emanating from a landfill. The model is PC-based and simulates a number of surface...

A Risk-Based Evaluation of Best Management Practices to Control Agricultural Groundwater Contamination
The probabilities of groundwater contamination by pesticides under different management alternatives were evaluated in a single county in Oklahoma by coupling an agricultural infiltration...

Transport of Injected Produced Water: A Sensitivity Study
This paper deals with the development and application of a model to assess potential environmental effects on Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDW) due to the presence of an improperly...

Generating Instream Recreational Alternatives
A methodology combining an optimization model and a spreadsheet program is presented to assist resource managers in developing and evaluating instream recreational alternatives. Recreational...

Methodologies to Estimate Instream Benefits for Use in Water Allocation
In the 'utility valuation' approach, the recreational experience possible at given flow levels is examined to derive a utility that the resource provides to the...

Generation of Compromise Alternatives Between Maximum Benefits and Maximum Acceptance
This paper proposes a procedure to generate a set of compromise alternative solutions between maximization of benefits and maximization of acceptance. A small set of near optimal strategies,...





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