Riprap Stability on Channel Slide Slopes
The stability of riprap placed on a sloping bank is decreased because one component of gravity tends to displace the rock down the slope. Results of riprap stability tests on sloping banks...

Estimating Average Velocity in Cobble-Bed Channels
A data set obtained from natural channels having D//5//0 less than 64 mm and d/D//5//0 in the range of 3 to 20 is used as a basis for testing equations proposed by Limerinos, Thompson...

The NOS Experience in Real-Time Measurements of Tidal Currents
NOAA'S National Ocean Service (NOS) uses the term RADS, Remote Acoustic Doppler Sensing, for a new class of oceanographic instruments that uses acoustic backscatter to probe...

Satellites Monitor Eutrophication of Estuaries
In a study on eutrophication of estuaries, NOAA/AVHRR satellite data have been analyzed for the Changjiang River plume and the adjacent coastal areas. The different regimes identified...

A Mathematical Model for River Ice
Several computer models for simulating river ice conditions have been developed (Petryk, 1986). All of these models simulate frazil ice production, and the progression, erosion and melting...

Open Channel Flow Resistance in Horseshoe Conduits
An experimental study of open channel flow resistance in horseshoe-shaped conduits is reported. The friction factor is shown to increase approximately 20 percent in comparison to values...

Imbrication of Tabular Boulders
Analysis of moments on tabular boulders projecting into a uniform stream indicates that a tabular boulder dipping downstream is unstable and can be overturned by velocities expected during...

Simulation of Sediment Transport in Coastal Water
The sediment-contaminant transport code, FETRA, coupled with the hydrodynamic model, CAFE-I; and the wave refraction model, L03D; were applied to Pacific coastal water. The FETRA model...

Coupled Implicit Simulation of Mobile-Bed Rivers
Numerical and physical deficiencies in existing computational codes for simulation of bed evolution in mobile-bed rivers have led the authors to propose a new approach. The new method...

Preliminary Engineering Design of an Artificial Tidal Lagoon System in Kuwait
A coastal resort project was planned for a 30 hectare site along the Arabian Gulf approximately 69 km south of Kuwait City at Dubaiyeh. The master plan, originally developed by Kuwait...

Lower Mississippi River Salt Intrusion Modeling
A laterally averaged numerical model called LAEM has been employed for both a 40- and 55-ft channel. In addition, LAEM has been applied with an increased height of the natural river crossing...

Carichar?Mobile Bed Modeling with Graded Sediments
CARICHAR is a new system used for the computation of sediment transport. The coupled calculation of both water and graded sediments transport allows the simulation of sorting and armoring...

Modeling Sediment Yield Affected by In-Stream Sand Mining
Sediment yield refers to the amount of sediment having passed a given river section for a specified duration. While sediment will be stored in the borrow pit, it will also be depleted...

Hydraulic Availability Evaluation of Urban Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents a concept for evaluating urban water system reliability using an extended period hydraulic simulation model in conjunction with mechanical availability analysis. Reliability...

Joint Consideration of Pipe Breakage and Pipe Flow Probabilities
Two issues of distribution network reliability, namely, probability of pipe failure and probability of the design flow being exceeded have been discussed. Expressions containing measures...

Optimal Design of Large Scale Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents a methodology for the design of least cost water distribution systems. The advantage of the formulation compared to the other techniques in the literature is that it...

Management of Water Distribution System Components
The purpose of this study is to 1) analyze main break failures and 2) incorporate other drinking water distribution system components into a data base management structure for reliability...

Longitudinal Dispersion in Partially-Mixed Estuaries
The longitudinal dispersion in partially-mixed estuaries was formulated to consist of two terms. The first term accounts for the dispersion due to the vertical and transverse shear of...

Water Distribution System Design by Chance-Constrained Model
The objective of this paper is to present an optimization model for the design of water distribution systems considering the uncertainty in required demands, required pressures, and pipe...

Analytical Simulation of Bulk Water Supply Network Reliability
The authors present an analytical method for estimating failure probabilities for a bulk water supply network with spatially dispersed supply, demand, and storage. The method examines...





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