A Space-Based Communications Concept to Support Mars Exploration Missions
Both the Soviet Union and the United States have expressed a desire to conduct further exploration of Mars and both sides have raised the possibility of joint Mars missions. In addition,...

Adaptable Crew Facilities for Future Space Modules
This paper discusses life-size studies recently carried out on advanced crew accommodation features for future space module utilization. The studies are based on exploratory designs for...

Solar Power Satellite - A Re-Visit
The United States should renew activities investigating the production of baseload electrical power for use on Earth from space. Technology change, world events, and the dictates of the...

Surgery in the Microgravity Environment
As man becomes more active in space, the possibility of major medical emergencies requiring surgical procedures will increase. Surgery in the microgravity environment involves many challenges...

Solutions to Space Station Designs
Any space station that is to be designed for extended human use may require gravity. The artificial gravity field required can be produced by rotating the structure. As the Soviets have...

Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications
This book contains papers presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division of ASCE. The theme of the conference was Critical Water Issues...

Lessons from Dam Incidents. US-II
The purpose of this report is to present available data to the profession regarding failures, accidents, and major repairs at dams in the United States. Data is analyzed with respect to...

Highway Injuries: Our Major Health Problem
Injuries are the leading cause of death in the United States from early childhood until about age 45. Motor vehicles kill more Americans age 1 to 34 than any other source of injury or...

Simulation of Long Period Ground Motions for a Large New Madrid Earthquake
Ground motions for a large New Madrid earthquake are simulated to provide response spectra in the period range of 0.5-20 seconds for hard rock sites at Chicago and Atlanta. The ground...

Mitigation of Seismic Effects on Water Systems
Historically, earthquakes have caused damage to water systems. In this paper, water system facilities at risk due to seismic activity as well as potential damage mechanisms are identified....

Seismic Damage and Retrofit of Bridges in California
Since 1971, the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) has retrofitted about 1300 bridges to improve their seismic resistance. CALTRANS has investigated 13 earthquakes since...

Sylmar HVDC Converter Station East Seismic Design
The Sylmar Converter Station East in Los Angeles receives power from the Northwest via the Pacific HVDC Intertie, a ?500 kV dc transmission line. At Sylmar, the energy is converted to...

Long Distance Dam Data
Remote data collection systems are increasingly being used for dams. Instrumentation of structures for obtaining data on performance is not new. However, automation and computerization...

State Perspectives on Water Quality Criteria
The Federal Clean Water Act framework for water quality regulation is reviewed. The role of water quality standards in the regulation of stormwater discharges and the protection of beneficial...

Water-Quality Ponds ? Are They the Answer?
Water-quality 'wet' ponds have been proposed to treat storm water for the removal of phosphorous in streams tributary to Cherry Creek Reservoir, a major recreational...

Monitoring and Design of Stormwater Control Basins
The City of Austin, Texas, has played a pioneering role in the control of urban nonpoint source pollution by enacting watershed and stormwater ordinances, overseeing detailed monitoring...

Load-Detention Efficiencies in a Dry-Pond Basin
Inflow and outflow to a dry-pond detention basin in Topeka, Kansas, were monitored for 19 storms during a 14-month period. Samples of runoff were collected automatically at two inflow...

Design and Construction of Infiltration Trenches
This paper discusses the use of infiltration trenches as a stormwater management practice. Feasibility, design and construction techniques are presented to improve the performance and...

Institutional Aspects of Stormwater Quality Planning
Planning and implementation of programs to control the quality of stormwater runoff in urban areas are carried out within institutional frameworks that directly influence the effectiveness...

Urban Runoff Management?An Industry Perspective An Opinion
Coors presently produces about 17 million barrels of beer per year from a single plant about 15 miles west of Denver. The company chose to keep the responbibility for the quality of its...





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