Study of Direct Potable Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater: Preliminary Results
The study includes a comprehensive attempt to measure as many as possible of the parameters which may effect the public health risk associated with reuse of municipal wastewater, after...

Selective Calcium Removal for Water Softening
The paper reports on a 'Water Quality Control Study' for the City of Lafayette, Louisiana. This paper focuses on the laboratory phase of the project. The City...

Use of Water Hyacinths to Upgrade Treatment Plants
The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing water hyacinths to upgrade effluents from heavily-loaded municipal wastewater treatment plants located...

A Method for Design and Evaluation of Rapid Sand Filters Treating Secondary Effluents
The information presented in this paper provides a framework for analysis of rapid sand filter performance. Process variables are quantitatively related to filter design variables in a...

Removal of Priority Pollutants in Wastewater by Secondary Treatment and Groundwater Recharge
Monitoring influent and effluent wastewater for organic priority pollutants at two Tucson-area treatment facilities has shown significant removal rates for commonly detected pollutants....

Full-Scale Evaluation of Filter Influent Chlorination and Ozonation
Ozone and chlorine applied ahead of pressure filters are compared to determine the effect of the chemical addition on the pressure differential across the filter bed. The study was significant...

Design and Construction of Slow Sand Filters
The belief that large area requirements are necessary is based on old concepts and contemporary engineering designs that overstate area requirements. Large area requirements result from...

Management of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills
Sanitary landfills remain the most common form of solid waste disposal in America. However, environmentalists are concerned about the degradation of ground water by leachate, which is...

Instrumentation of Landfill Cover Liners: Moisture Transport Studies
Accurate estimation of the amount of water leaking through the cover liner, into the landfill, is vital for estimating the possible amount of leachate that can be generated into a landfill...

Closure of Hazardous Surface Impoundments and Creation of an On-site Permanent Disposal Facility?A Case History
Remington Arms Co. is currently undertaking a RCRA closure program for nine surface impoundments in Lonoke, Arkansas. The impoundments contain a variety of listed hazardous wastes from...

Comparison of Preozonation and Prechlorination in the Treatment of Several Raw Water Supplies
Bench scale testing of 18 raw water supplies from various locations throughout the eastern United States was conducted to evaluate their susceptibility to ozonation, and to compare preozonation/conventional...

Technical Evaluation of a Copper:Silver Ion Swimming Pool Disinfection Unit
The paper reports on an investigation of a mock swimming pool setup on a laboratory scale. The study used indoor and outdoor simulated swimming pools to compare the efficacy of electrolytically...

The Effect of UV Radiation on THM Formation in Drinking Waters
This study was undertaken to investigate the feasibility of using combined UV radiation/chlorination process in drinking water treatment for disinfection while producing lower concentrations...

Pre-Formed Aluminum Hydroxide as an Alternative to Alum for Coagulation
The objective of this research was to conduct a comparison study of the coagulants, alum and pre-formed aluminum hydroxide, for turbidity and color removals in water treatment. By examining...

Treatment Plant Modifications to Conserve Energy and Improve Performance
Creative funding along with thorough planning and design contributed to the successful energy conservation program at the Willow Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant, Salem, Oregon. By funding...

Application of the ASPEN System for Simulation of the Detroit Waste Water Treatment Plant
The objective of this study is to simulate the Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant (DWWTP) using the Advanced System for Process Engineering (ASPEN). The primary treatment facility has...

Testing of a 5-Stage Modified Bardenpho? WWTP
The Eastern Service Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (ESA WWTF) is a 13.5-mgd advanced wastewater treatment facility employing biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes located...

Microfiltration/Adsorption Technology for Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters: Pilot- and Full-Scale Studies
In this work the development and testing of wastewater treatment system using coagulation, microfiltration and carbon adsorption is described. Studies were conducted first on a bench or...

Preacquisition Environmental Site Assessments: Avoiding Common Errors and Omissions
The 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) established an 'innocent-purchaser' defense to environmental liability from ownership of contaminated...

Decision Framework for Assessment of Leaking UST's
A computer-based environmental planning tool, designed to help mitigate the environmental problems associated with leaking underground storage tanks (UST) is presented in this article....





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