Using Neutron Probes to Aid Irrigation Scheduling
Neutron soil moisture measurements are used to supplement irrigation forecasts on the 60,000 acre sprinkler-irrigated Navajo Indian Irrigation Project (NIIP). Weekly irrigation forecasts...

Performance Measures for Irrigation Water Delivery
Performance measures are developed which facilitate analysis of irrigation water delivery systems in light of the objectives of adequacy, efficiency, dependability and equity and of water...

Measurement of Irrigation Water Use: Results of Two Case Studies in Illinois
Three methods of measuring and estimating irrigation pumpage were used during two research studies attempting to assess ground-water use. These three methods: (1) farmer estimates; (2)...

An Assessment of Input Variables to the Penman-Monteith Equation Using Canopy Reflectance Measurements
Observing the form of the Penman-J.L. Monteith equation, it can be seen that several terms could be potentially estimated from remotely sensed data. These include: net radiation, canopy...

Canal Automation for Flexibility on Sloping Canals
This project and tested a method which would allow flexible water deliveries from medium-large canals. The canal gate movement algorithm CARDD (Canal Automation for Rapid Demand Deliveries)...

Fish Bypass Facilities - Tehama-Colusa Canal
Operation of the canal headworks has proven to be detrimental to migrating fish passing the Red Bluff Diversion Dam. Studies performed for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation were undertaken...

Clean vs. Dirty Water Effects in Irrigation Systems
Seepage losses in irrigation systems may be significantly affected by the suspended solids concentrations of the water. Low-solids clean water increases losses; high-solids dirty water...

Research Needs in Movement of Agricultural Chemicals to Groundwater
Better prediction of the movement of agricultural chemicals to groundwater is necessary to permit development of best management practices to reduce adverse environmental effects of agriculture....

Stream Standards for Toxics and Irrigated Agriculture Using New Mexico as a Case Study
New Mexico follows a policy of 'antidegradation' with respect to the existing quality of a stream, but its standards specifically exclude return flows from irrigated...

Management Practice Effects on Water Quality
An array of resource conservation and water quality issues are providing research challenges and opportunities in soil and water, irrigation, and drainage. The key to addressing these...

Field Calibration of Neutron Gauges: SCS Method
Field calibration of neutron gauges is easy and requires very little time under normal circumstances. Special soil sampling equipment is required that can be fabricated by most machine...

Comparison of ET Measured with Neutron Moisture Meters and Weighing Lysimeters
The neutron moisture meter (N.M.) method of determining crop water use is frequently used in research and irrigated agriculture. This study was conducted to compare crop evapotranspiration...

Application of Neutron Soil Surface Water Monitoring for Plant Establishment
Soil surface water content measurements are tedious and time consuming, and to improve on such tasks, a neutron surface moisture probe was modified by using cadmium shielding. This prevented...

Practical Approaches Used in Neutron Meter Moisture Monitoring
This paper describes a practical, appropriate methodology for utilizing neutron meter soil moisture measurements to provide irrigation management information to farmers. A neutron meter...

Neutron Meters in Statewide Irrigation Programs
These programs have ranged from University demonstrations of new technologies on through completely locally funded and operated programs. The most significant interest has been from those...

Simple Water Measuring Device for On Farm Irrigation Evaluation
Laboratory experiments were conducted for the calibration of three flumes of different sizes. The logarithmic transformation in linear regression yielded excellent results for the stage-discharge...

Delivering Appropriate Quantities of Water to the Farm
To study how well an irrigation district was able to meet farmer demand, water deliveries along two monitored lateral canals were compared to the orders and bills for these events. The...

Problems with Irrigation Technology Transfer in Latin America
Over the last thirty years there has been a significant drop in agricultural production in Latin America, despite the fact that agricultural, irrigation and drainage projects receive about...

The Colorado River Salinity Program?An Overall Perspective
Economic losses resulting from increases in salinity in the Colorado River system were estimated to be $311 million annually in 1986. As a result of protests by Mexico to the United States...

The USDA Colorado River Salinity Control Program
Approximately 37 percent of the salt contribution in the Colorado River can be attributed to irrigation activities in the river basin. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),...





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