A Method of Computing Impact and Fatigue Life in the Railway Steel Girder Bridge
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamic interactions between an steel girder bridge and a moving freight train. A non-linear, 100-ton, freight car vehicle model and a 70-ft...
Fatigue Behavior of Steel Connection Angles
A method for predicting the fatigue behavior of flange angle elements is presented. The primary emphasis herein concerns an analytical approach for evaluating the fatigue life of flange...
Numerical Evaluation of Energy Release Rates
Numerical studies are described that evaluate the total energy release rate, GT, for quasi-static, Mode I cracks using two-dimensional finite-element...
Water Transport in Limestone by X-Ray CAT Scanning
The transport of water through the interior of Salem limestone test briquettes can be dynamically monitored by computer aided tomography (commonly called CAT scanning in medical diagnostics)....
NDE for Performance of Wood Structures
Significant economic losses result annually due to deterioration and failure of structural wood components. A high percentage of these losses result from our current inability to assess...
Service Life of Underground Concrete Structures
The service life of underground concrete depends on both the physicochemical properties of the concrete materials and the properties of the in-service environment. The major factors controlling...
Evaluation and Remediation of Construction Defects in Tilt Wall Panels
Both the surface appearance and structural safety were of concern to the Owner of a five year old warehouse structure that was experiencing delamination of tilt-up wall panels. Delamination...
Seismic Resistant Low-Cost Masonry Buildings in Peru
Future housing in developing countries will be provided mainly in medium rise, four to six stories, bearing wall masonry buildings. This paper reports on the rationality behind this political...
A Summary and Review of Fatigue Data for Mechanical and Welded Splices in Reinforcing Bars
Published reports pertaining to fatigue tests of welded and mechanical splices in reinforcing bars were reviewed. It was observed that most specimens fractured in the reinforcing bar adjacent...
Fatigue Strength of Welded Steel Mesh
Welded steel mesh (WSM) is prefabricated by welding cold-drawn wires in a grid-like mesh. Engineers avoid using WSM as main reinforcement in highway structures due to their lack of knowledge...
The Fatigue Performance of Welded Joints in a Marine Environment
The fatigue lives of plate-plate, pipe-plate, and tubular welded joints tested in seawater under free corrosion, optimum cathodic protection and cathodic overprotection measured in the...
Inspection Strategies for Offshore Structures
The fatigue limit state is the governing limit state for the structural dimensions in several parts of offshore structures. Prediction of the fatigue life of tubular joints and other welded...
Effect of High Frequency Response on Fatigue of Offshore Structures
Welded steel specimens have been tested under several loading spectra to determine the effect on fatigue life of high frequency components in the psd of the stress or strain in the joint....
Low-Cycle Fatigue Reliability of Offshore Structures Subjected to Earthquakes
This paper develops and implements a methodology for predicting probabilistically the damage an offshore structure will experience in an earthquake. The analysis begins with the probability...
Concrete Strength-Quality Assurance
The usual criterion for establishing grades of structural concrete is the compressive strength measured in an arbitrary manner on a standardized specimen stored in a stipulated fashion...
Ultimate Strength and Deformation of RC Panels
In this study, twenty reinforced concrete panels have been tested under pure shear. Test results showed that the compressive strength of concrete strut was strongly affected by bond characteristics...
Analytical Model for RC Panels Under Cyclic Load
There are several existing constitutive laws for cracked concrete and steel in RC developed in Okamura laboratory. These models have been developed and verified through reversed uniaxial...
Development of Analytical Models for Reinforced Concrete
A computer program called WCOMR was developed to analyze the characteristics of RC walls subjected to reversed cyclic loading. The WCOMR comprises RC element idealization described by...
Wood Diaphragms: Performance Requirements and Analytical Modeling
Wood diaphragms represent the principal mechanisms for resisting lateral loads in many light-frame buildings. While recent research has provided several mathematical models for predicting...
Lessons Learned from Dynamic Tests of Shear Panels
Thirteen 8-ft by 8-ft shear panels and fifteen 16-in by 18-in shear panels were tested dynamically at the Structural Testing Laboratory, Richmond Field Station, University of California,...
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