A Measure of Reservoir Efficiency
The notion of reservoir efficiency is defined for a water supply reservoir operated according to the standard policy, that is, one where the release is constant whenever physically possible....

Stage-Frequency Analysis of Closed-Basin Lakes
Devils Lake in North Dakota is used as a case study for the model development and application. The basis of the relationship developed in this study is the separation of the annual maximum...

Analytical Studies of the Schoharie Bridge Failure
Analytical studies consisted of geomorphic, hydrologic, hydraulic, and erosion analyses including mathematical modeling with HEC-1 and WSPRO, the new FHWA water-surface profile model....

Schoharie Creek Bridge Model Study
On April 5, 1987, a major storm occurred in the Schoharie Creek watershed and the resulting flood caused the bridge to fail. The hydraulic model of the bridge was performed to simulate...

Hydrodynamic Modeling of Shallow Lagoons and Lakes
There exist many shallow lagoons and lakes in Florida. With an average depth of 3 meters or less, circulation and transport within these water bodies are significantly influenced by the...

An Approach for Modeling the Upper Chesapeake Bay
To resolve the bay geometry with a minimum number of grid points, boundary-fitted coordinates are employed. A major question is how to prescribe tidal boundary conditions at the Bay Bridge...

Microcomputer Capability: Practitioners' Perspective
Leading practitioners in the water resources engineering field want new graduates who are well grounded in fundamentals and are computer literate. The needs of leading practitioners are...

Importance of Density Gradient Terms in Estuaries
In estuaries classified as well-mixed or unstratified, two-dimensional depth averaged models have often been applied with the density considered as constant. Calculations, based on measured...

Flow and Quality Simulation of a Proposed Marina Development
A proposed off-channel marina development on the Sacramento River in California requires landfill in an area that is currently within the flood plain. Two dimensional computer models for...

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sedimentation Engineer Manual A. Overview
Until the 1970's, sediment analyses within the Corps of Engineers were mostly confined to estimates of the reservoir sediment storage needed, for the life of the project....

Corps of Engineers EM 1110-2-4000 Chapter 3?Sediment Yield
This paper overviews the chapter on sediment yield, one of the three technical chapters of this new design manual. Corps methods to determine sediment yield primarily feature the use of...

River Sedimentation
This paper discusses Chapter 4 of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Manual of Sedimentation Engineering. The chapter identifies potential river sedimentation problems, associates...

Predicting Channel Recovery from Sand and Gravel Extraction in the Naugatuck River and Adjacent Floodplain
Gravel extraction at five sites along the Naugatuck River in Connecticut is of sufficient magnitude that channel recovery to pre-mining morphology is expected to require up to several...

Friction Factor and Patterns in Armor Coats
Recent observations of friction factors at armor coat forming discharges suggest the presence of distinct geometric patterns in the locations of the coarsest grains in armor coats. A statistical...

Prediction of Scour Depth Under Armoring Conditions
A simple procedure is proposed to compute scour depth on an alluvial bed having graded materials under flow conditions which produce armor layer at the bed surface. The procedure is based...

Monitoring Water Quality: Neches Estuary, Texas
A continuous monitoring project has been established in the Neches Estuary of Southeast Texas, for the purpose of investigating the influence of tidal hydraulic on sedimentation in a floating...

Twenty Years of Experience in Unsteady Flow Modeling of Open Channels at TVA
Two concerns prompted the development of dynamic methods for flow routings: (a) the safety of the nuclear plants being planned along the Tennessee River in the 1960's and...

Morphologic and Hydraulic Adjustments of Red River from Shreveport, LA to Fulton, AK, between 1886 and 1980
Morphometric data (channel width and depth and slope) from 4 hydrographic surveys of Red River (1886, 1938, 1968, 1980) from Shreveport to Fulton and specific-gage analyses for the gages...

Modeling of a Low Head Hydroelectric Project
In order to shorten the time to develop a hydroelectric project at the Corps of Engineers Hannibal Lock and Dam on the Ohio River for the City of New Martinsville, West Virginia, a turnkey...

Channel Response to SCS Type-C Grade-Control Structures on Burney Branch, Mississippi
Five SCS Type-C grade-control structures were installed in Burney Branch in 1980 to remove 59.4 feet (18.1 m) of grade. The performance of the structures was evaluated in 1984 after they...





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