Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater Resources in the Central Valley of California
California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is evaluating the feasibility of incorporating a conjunctive use program into the State Water Project (SWP) to augment its delivery capability...

Feasibility of Stormwater for Recharge in the Las Vegas Valley
Rapid growth in the Las Vegas Valley has increased the pressure on the limited water supply. The increased water demand has stimulated public interest in water conservation and the potential...

Harvest of Ephemeral Runoff for Artificial Groundwater Recharge in Arid Basin Water Management
Harvest of springtime flow to a playa in Lemmon Valley, north of Reno, was evaluated as a means of increasing local groundwater supplies through artificial recharge. Surface water and...

Management Strategies for Baseflow Augmentation
Management strategies for baseflow augmentation fall into the following categories: (1) livestock management, (2) upland vegetation management, (3) riparian vegetation management, (4)...

Water Budget Analysis for Semi-Arid Alluvial Basins
In developing arid basins in the southwestern United States, the availability of suitable water supplies is of critical importance. Scarcity of dependable, perennial streams and rivers...

Groundwater Depletion and Salinity in Yazd, Iran
The central Iranian plateau contains part or all of five provinces and covers more than a third of the total area of Iran (Figure 3). This area has one of the most unfavorable hydrologic...

Drought Risk Analysis Based on Hydrologic Records of the River Nile
The characteristics of the parameters of hydrologic droughts are studied by analysing and modeling the maximum and 'minimum' stage-level series of the River Nile...

Multiple Phenomena of Debris-Flow Processes: A Challenge for Hazard Assessments
Hazardous hydraulic processes associated with arid environments commonly repesent significant risks to the safety of the public. However, the public generally considers these risks to...

Water Quality Study in an Arid Region Lake: Lake Bosten, Northwest China
This paper gives a brief description of Lake Bosten, its importance to Xinjiang Province of the PRC, objectives of an on-going study, and some preliminary results. This on-going study...

Moving Toward the Millennium
The last decade of the 1990's is just beginning and paradoxically the water resources readily available to Clark County, Nevada are just ending. In a few short years Nevada's...

Water Conservation in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power shares the responsibility with its customers of managing water resources by implementing water conservation measures that can be applied at...

A Value Engineering/Risk Analysis Approach to Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures
Value engineering is an objective, systematic method for minimizing cost of a system. Risk analysis is a method of quantifying uncertainties or probabilities of possible economic loss,...

Risk Analysis as a Tool to Determine Spillway Design Capacities
Lyman Dam is an earth and rockfill structure located on the Little Colorado River approximately 11 miles south and upstream of St. Johns, Arizona. Several studies examining the safety...

Estimation of Expected Damages, Indemnification Costs and Joint Probabilities of Dam Failures
This paper describes three methods to evaluate structural options for the rehabilitation of an existing dam using the dollar-denominated risk and capital cost associated with each option...

GIS: Easing Infrastructure Management
GIS provides an ideal means for city planners and engineers to plan construction and maintenance of water-distribution networks, wastewater-collection systems and treatment plants, highways,...

Field and Model Studies of Ocean Outfalls
Field and laboratory studies of the behavior of wastewater discharged from the San Francisco ocean outfall are reported. Wastefield behavior was predicted by the mathematical models RSB...

Chemically-Enhanced Treatment: An Alternative to Biological Secondary Treatment for Ocean Outfalls
Chemically-enhanced treatment is a process whereby chemicals are added to wastewater in order to enhance solids removals through coagulation. This treatment process can obtain removal...

Shop Creek Stormwater Quality Enhancement Project
The advent of NPDES regulations for stormwater discharges creates a need to verify, on a regional basis, the effectiveness of emerging water-quality control technologies such as extended...

Failure Modeling of Hydraulic Systems
Techniques of survival analysis are investigated for modeling the failure of hydraulic systems. The Proportional Hazards Model has the advantage of being able to separate the effects on...

Stability Criteria for Revetments
A simplified 'black box' approach is presented for a number of revetment systems for banks and shore protection. The design criteria, based on the physical similarity...





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