Western Consortium on Advanced Highway Technology
Establishment of a regional consortium of western states for purposes of defining long-term objectives and making common cause in the development of advanced highway technology was undertaken...

Ground Water Recharge Through Wells
Surface runoff water accumulates in natural depressions called playas on the Southern High Plains; most of it is wasted by evaporation. The water is turbid, but otherwise of good quality...

Aquifer Storage Recovery: A New Water Supply and Ground Water Recharge Alternative
Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) involves treated drinking water that is stored underground by injection into a suitable storage zone during those months of the year when available supply...

Tucson Recharge with Existing Potable Water System
In 1987, a study was undertaken to evaluate the potential for using the City of Tucson's existing potable water distribution system and production wells for recharge of treated...

Reclaimed Water System with Artificial Recharge
Arizona cities must reduce water consumption as a result of the 1980 Arizona Ground Water Management Act. Use of reclaimed water in place of potable water for landscape irrigation and...

Quality Changes of River Rhine and Meuse Water Upon Basin Recharge in the Netherlands' Coastal Dunes: 30 Years of Experience
A wide spectrum of quality changes of river Rhine and Meuse water is presented, on a global scale after pre-treatment, dune infiltration and post-treatment. Attention is focussed on the...

Augmenting Water Supply in the Phoenix Area Through Recharge of Surplus Central Arizona Project Water Into the Agua Fria Riverbed
This paper describes the efforts of several months activities in the initial stages of developing a 30,000 feet Demonstration Recharge Facility for surplus Colorado River water on the...

Artificial Recharge to the Floridan Aquifer System, Orlando Area, Central Florida
Approximately 400 drainage wells exist in Orange County, central Florida. The rate of recharge through drainage wells is limited by the rate of surface flow to the wells; the hydraulic...

Artificial Ground Water Recharge in Southern California
This paper presents an overview of past, present, and future ground water recharge practices and looks at future plans in Southern California. Types of sites discussed include basins,...

Infiltration Maintenance in Recharge Facilities of Orange County Water District
The Orange County Water District manages the Orange County ground water basin in western Orange County. In the first 25 years of operation, the District made exclusive use of the Santa...

Ground Water Monitoring for Resource Management
Management of the ground water resources provided by the multi-layered aquifers underlying Orange County, California has required a new approach to ground water monitoring. The Orange...

Ground Water Basin Management and Artificial Recharge
In Coachella Valley, California, where rainfall averages only 3 inches annually, approximately 80,000 acres of crop land and 65 golf courses provide winter recreation and winter fruits...

City of Bakersfield 2800-Acre Ground Water Recharge Project
The City of Bakersfield situated on the Kern River in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California acquired many of the rights to the Kern River flows. The City has developed a 2800-acre...

Operation and Maintenance of Recharge Facilities
As part of its Water Resources Program, the Santa Clara Valley Water District manages the groundwater basins in Santa Clara County, California. The article describes the operations and...

Conjunctive Use in the Niles Cone, California
The use of in-stream facilities for artificial recharge in stream channels as practiced in Alameda County, California, is discussed. The facilities are (1) stream channels with no other...

Deepwell Infiltration in the North-Holland Dune Area
Deep well infiltration now generally is considered the cue for the future extensions of artificial ground water recharge in or outside the dunes. The Provincial Waterworks of North-Holland...

Distribution System Rehabilitation
Hackensack Water Company has had an on-going program of cleaning and lining its transmission mains to increase their capacity and lower its pumping costs. But by late 1986, the need to...

Inexpensive Geo-Coding for Water Utilities
Geo-Coding enables Hackensack Water Company to optimize meter reading and customer service routing; to analyze water consumption data at a micro level, and relate that data to census and...

Emerging Applications of Water Valuation
This paper identifies the emerging importance of the water value concept through a number of applications. These emerging applications include natural resource damage assessment, water...

Barge Bottleneck Uncorked
Construction of the replacement Lock & Dam 26, on Mississippi River at Alton, Ill. near St. Louis, is described. The $1 billion job, programmed to be built over the period 1979-91,...





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